You ignorant troll. I'm not going to feed you.
You said you came to this forum to talk bonsai. Now stop trying to start fires and do something helpful to this forum for a change.
I am not ignorant nor am I trolling...
You just have a problem it seems listening to the obvious.
You have a rotted out dead plant, that you can put your finger through,
in a soil that you say retains to much moisture. I stated that if you have
a soil that retains to much moisture, that you need to water less and less
often. You say you know this... but clearly you do not seeing that you have
a dead plant as a result of over watering it.
I have plenty of plants in regular non bonsai soil that can retain to much water
as well if I over water them as well. But. I do not, because I understand the type
of soil that they are in, and so I have no dead plants as a result of it.
The soil sadly is not the problem, It is the caretaker and their error.
As far as your starting fire BS, and doing something helpful... If you are going to
try and accuse me of doing something that I am not, simply by responding to your
thread... then perhaps it is you who are doing what you are accusing me of doing.
When you are ready to discuss how to properly water a Bonsai tree, without getting
upset, let me know.