Styling advise...


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Greetings. This is a $5.00 juniper I got last fall from a local nursery.
I took off probably 1/2 of what you see as the top when I bought it.
It was re potted in early March this year when I removed about 1/2 of the roots.
I'm open to any advise you all could pass on. There are crossing branches, and way too much foliage I know, but I didn't know how much further I should go at this point. The tree seems very healthy, and is covered in fresh growth.
Thanks in advance for your ideas.IMG-20120510-00204.jpg
Where do you guys find material like that so cheap!?

Are you set on keeping both trunks? It looks like you may be able to get 2 trees out of this, and have 2 trees with interesting trunks.
I think that you need to pick one or the other trunk to work with. Unless as Danilo suggests, you can separate them at the roots and have 2 trees. Once you decide (or separate) then you'll probably be able to see what will work. It's hard to tell which one is best from the single angle, but I would suspect they both have merit.
After I stare at the picture for a bit, it seems like the left trunk has most of the growth, including the first branch on the right side of it, which seems to grow over the top of the right trunk... but the right trunk also seems to have some nice growth on it, but mostly to the right and back of it.
Chappy, thats very nice looking right now as it is. If I were to do anything to it I would remove the bottom right side branch on the left tree trunk in the picture to open up the view of the right tree and maybe wire the bottom left branch on the right to match the cascade on the right trunk, this would make it look like two trees that grew together competing for the light as in nature . Its a damn nice looking tree right now.

"I think that you need to pick one or the other trunk to work with. "

It's of course just my (inexpert at best) opinion that they look too much like two separate trees, that are next to each other. But not in a group type way if that makes any sense... So for me, that's why I would pick one or the other.

Again, I'm no expert, I was just throwing out a thought, and was intending it to be taken as such...
You can make a very nice composition with the two together. The trunks have the potential to be quite complimentary.
Thanks so much everyone.
My intention is to keep them as two trees together unless I see that, that absolutely doesn't work.
I'm still open to ideas, and again, thank you all.
I'll update as it changes.
If you post some other angle shots of it, it will make it easier for people to give advise.

I can see this as a 2 trunk design, with a nice semi-cascade off one side, and I could also see this as 2 separate trees. You don't see the 2 trunk as often, so that would make it more unique.

You got a hell of a deal for $5.00 on that... I would pay 10x as much gladly for something like that. Looking forward to seeing where you take it.
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