
On the elm. The stub on the right. With the wire. I see you bent it up and forward toward the viewer correct? It kind of looks straight in the pictures. A little bend to the left maybe?
On the elm. The stub on the right. With the wire. I see you bent it up and forward toward the viewer correct? It kind of looks straight in the pictures. A little bend to the left maybe?
I did, and yes can bend it more towards the left. I positioned it as I did mainly because there is a node on the left side of the branch that will hopefully send out new growth and change the direction of the branch back to the left.

These pictures of it for some reason don't really give a correct sense of scale... not sure why? Thought the jin pliers might help, but the trunks diameter is over 2 inches wide. So, really is off to a nice start, we will see how it develops.
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