Is there a way to do that besides grafting?
thats exactly whyop from an elm trunk - even cork bark - very easily. Controlling WHERE it pops is the hard part.
Last year I noticed that on an American elm seedling I weeded would grow a bunch of buds along the edges of a wound going vertical up the trunk. I recall most of the buds being near the top.I know one guy who was successful scratching the bark, over and over, on a privet, it order to get a bud to pop. It took him several years of scarifying the trunk, but eventually one did pop exactly where he wanted it to.
I remember I have read interesting article about hormones, and one part was about promoting buds on specific parts of the trunk. Try to check it. Whole article is very interesting reading I have to say.
You can find it here: How Trees Adapt & Respond: The Growth Cycle Vie Hormones By Mac Caruthers
It certainly would be! But there must be more to it than just light, else trees in the sun would be budding out all over, wouldn't they?if using these couple of leds I can get the same effect as grafting without scaring the tree. Wouldn't that be awesome?