strangler figs

Thanks for the photos. I'm planning something similar with a dead crape myrtle stump and a ficus cutting. Is F. natalensis a true strangler in nature? I have not been able to get any of the "natural" stranglers for my project, so will try with F. microcarpa and its cultivar 'Green Island'.
natalensis is just a brilliant, bullet proof species to use... thoningii and burkei are the natural stranglers where i live but they just don't seem to perform in pots??
Interesting. I was looking for one of the New World species, preferably F. citrifolia because it has smaller leaves. But no luck so far. Meanwhile I have several well-started cuttings of microcarpa.
an interesting comment was made on our local tree forum the other day, that figs are really just interested in getting their roots into the ground and not that concerned with killing the host tree... I am starting to think more along those lines... they all seem to be doing great living together??
an interesting comment was made on our local tree forum the other day, that figs are really just interested in getting their roots into the ground and not that concerned with killing the host tree... I am starting to think more along those lines... they all seem to be doing great living together??
This makes sense. If the fig kills the host tree, it will eventually decay and collapse. If that happens the fig loses its ladder into the forest canopy unless its roots have become strong enough to fully support it.
This is pretty cool! - I've always love ficus/fig - but never have an indoor place to grow them. One day!
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