Story of a western white pine...

Excellent stuff. I really admire this tree for the bark and healthy condition and final design.
Wow what a tree! With the pot be careful and not get a hernia or damage the back!
She's a beaut!!! I really love messin with deciduous trees, but you nuts are startin to make me look twice at the "C" trees... ;D lol!!!

Awesome tree Greg!!
I did some digging (not for a tree) and came up with a couple of earlier shots. First is a detail shot of the base of the trunk that is deadwood. It would have been the direct recipient of the falling ice and snow from the cliff above. Also note how the top of grow box was closed in to accommodate the new orientation of the box. Second shot is a closer view of the tree after its first styling in 2007. Note how easy it is to see the branches and how spare the foliage looks. Color of the needles is good though.


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Here are a couple more shots of the tree I took the other day as the sun was setting; still not the best but I'm not about to move it on my own for a better background:D I also found out this is a southwestern white pine, Pinus strobiformis given the location and elevation it originated from. The candles have extended further since potting and needles can be clearly seen. I think I am "out of the woods" with this one;)
Pushed submit too soon:rolleyes:


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Saw your tree at bsop show at the Japanese Gardens this past weekend in Portland. It's much more dramatic in person than the pictures. This tree will just continue to become better. Nice job!
Thanks for the reply, reddog. The photos really don't do it justice, do they? It's really heavy too. A 2-man tree in the least and it took 3 guys to lift it onto the pedestal for the show. A real monster:eek::eek::eek:
Pretty awesome material and work on this tree. Don't know what to say further, but congratulations on this one...:D
He's not lying, this tree looks great in person. This was certainaly one of my favorites at the show. You didn't tell us you were sending this gem to Rochester. Congrats.

He's not lying, this tree looks great in person. This was certainaly one of my favorites at the show. You didn't tell us you were sending this gem to Rochester. Congrats.


I wanted it to be a surprise:D Thanks for the kind words about the tree. It's resting up now and busy catching up for lost time. The needles are still growing. Now I need to get a new pot...
Hey, nice cascade. So can we assume you've gotten over your original reservations? I missed it in Portland this year. Will it be there next year?
Very impressive work! I love Western five needle pines!!! I wish the East coast had other five needle pines that actually take well to bonsai culture like those in the western part of the country... Is it a pinyon pine or limber pine?
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