Stolen Korean Hornbeam from Natures Way, PA

This is something I just can't wrap my head around. Why? You can't have that sense of accomplishment that you've created something magnificent yourself. You can't show anybody. You can't expect to sell it. Intellectual fortitude is not your strength. Neither is artistry, honesty, industriousness, empathy...
Unless there's some black market for the most amazing (and sometimes famous) bonsai that I'm unaware of, I just don't get it. Throw the book at 'em. For that matter, make sure it's the biggest, heaviest book you can find, and it takes out the knee. Because that's how to keep them from stealing again. If you can't walk, you probably won't be able to steal heavy trees anymore.
Jim is great and his nursery is incredible to walk around,
I can't imagine simply walking out with a specimen tree like that. It doesn't look like to too big to easily carry, but too big to sneak out with.
my guess is they scoped it out before and knew they wanted that tree in particular
I thought I was done, but my brain has its own mind.
enter invasive thoughts

I've never been to a bonsai show. Never visited a "bonsai nursery." I don't even have any bonsai trees (yet), unless you go by the bare naked definition of a tree in a pot. My location in the desert is very isolated, but I've fallen in love with the art. So I can sympathize with Mr. Doyle. I can understand (as we all can) losing something I've put my passion, time, effort, and vision into. I wouldn't die for a tree as I would for a human. But I would certainly be devastated to lose 20 years of work!
How do we find the culprit(s)? We are many; isn't there something we can do to get this tree back? I want answers, dagnabbit!
I thought I was done, but my brain has its own mind.
enter invasive thoughts

I've never been to a bonsai show. Never visited a "bonsai nursery." I don't even have any bonsai trees (yet), unless you go by the bare naked definition of a tree in a pot. My location in the desert is very isolated, but I've fallen in love with the art. So I can sympathize with Mr. Doyle. I can understand (as we all can) losing something I've put my passion, time, effort, and vision into. I wouldn't die for a tree as I would for a human. But I would certainly be devastated to lose 20 years of work!
How do we find the culprit(s)? We are many; isn't there something we can do to get this tree back? I want answers, dagnabbit!
The best thing is to keep an eye on auction sites and marketplaces. Jim didn't have many cameras it seems so unless they got lucky to have the guy on CCTV or even a rough time it could have happened,
it's mostly a lost cause I fear
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