Sterilizing soil using Hydrogen Peroxide

I have used H2O2 on trays with azalea seedlings germinating. I eyeballed diluted 35% H2O2 very roughly towards 1%.
I applied it generously.
The main thing I want it to kill is gnats. I think I saw gnat larvae that were really moving around slower than normal. But from those trays, new gnats still emerged. So it isn't a silver bullet.
I do have some trays where I see some damage on the seedlings. Brown or yellow leaves or leaf edges. So it seems that seedlings do get damaged before all gnats get 'nuked'.

I also noticed that fungus can still grow. It isn't as effective as my fungicide.

As for 'sterilizing', is the goal to kill all weed seeds in the soil, or all bacteria and fungal spores?
Sterilizing soil doesn't make a lot of sense. Also, it stops being sterile the moment it comes into contact with the air.
Of course, reducing the number of pathogens before you use the soil can help. I have boiled sphagnum moss and I see some difference in how long it remains 'clean'.
Thuja rheingold cuttings made mid october already rooted, the soil is coarse sand and lava rock sterilized with diluted bleach, in cases like this is very useful start with a clean soil free of any pathogens

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