Stand build off

I haven’t even started thinking about my stand yet.
I feel like a slacker.
I feel for ya cajunrider, and hope you can enjoy the reuse of the floorboards.
I think it's a great idea @Pitoon I'm a grease monkey and not a woodsmith:) Mine would be out of polished aluminum or stainless steel. LOL
As a side note, I considered putting some trees in our annual club show last month but, seems a stand is as important as the tree/pot in a display and I have none. Maybe I need to become a woodsmith.
I patently reject the notion that stands need to be made of wood.
...of course I patently reject a lot of notions.
Let’s take trees for instance, I like the more natural style deciduous with scars like you would see in nature because that’s how they are. They are not manicured trees, but I still appreciate them and the talent that is put in them. Stands I see are awesome, lot of detail and really nice to look at but what if there were more rustic looking stands. You see the antique America, weathered wood on barns and the old furniture that lasted forever. Anywho that’s just a curious question, I like them both, not judging or criticizing the way things are done. That said I was going to go with something more weathered.
Totally get where your going and look forward to seeing what comes out of it. My thoughts immediately went to both the worn down driftwood of the harsh Oregon coast where I grew up as well as to the Craftsman/Mission architecture. That to me has the balance of American and a nod to the clean, calm, and ageless that Bonsai brings with it.

This should be fun, mine will likely be metal or casting stone/cement of some sort, not sure yet, very very unlikely to be wood.
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