Stand build off

I was going to go with something more American, don’t get me wrong I love the stands that are out there. But at some point we have to find our own way, right? I mean the Japanese and Chinese do it differently so why should we stick to one way
What is the "more American" you are referring too?
Let’s take trees for instance, I like the more natural style deciduous with scars like you would see in nature because that’s how they are. They are not manicured trees, but I still appreciate them and the talent that is put in them. Stands I see are awesome, lot of detail and really nice to look at but what if there were more rustic looking stands. You see the antique America, weathered wood on barns and the old furniture that lasted forever. Anywho that’s just a curious question, I like them both, not judging or criticizing the way things are done. That said I was going to go with something more weathered.
Let’s take trees for instance, I like the more natural style deciduous with scars like you would see in nature because that’s how they are. They are not manicured trees, but I still appreciate them and the talent that is put in them. Stands I see are awesome, lot of detail and really nice to look at but what if there were more rustic looking stands. You see the antique America, weathered wood on barns and the old furniture that lasted forever. Anywho that’s just a curious question, I like them both, not judging or criticizing the way things are done. That said I was going to go with something more weathered.
Looking forward to seeing what you build.
I have been wanting to try this for a while so I guess this is a good opportunity to do it. Should be fun seeing all the awesome stands. @Hartinez have made some sweet looking stands.
So @Cajunrider thread pushed me over the limit, lol. As well as @Hartinez recent stands makes me want to get back more into woodworking.

I need an excuse to get me to build a I propose a stand build off. What say you? I know there are plenty of woodworkers here on the forum and I have a pretty cool idea for this stand build off.

Would you be interested? Reply with your interest and I'll put together my ideas to get started.
I’m down. I got my build thread going

Edit: Oh, you meant a singular stand, not a bench. My bad
I wish my getting started is simpler. Over the weekend I installed a dust collector and repurpose a broken washer into a dust bin. This coming week is dust collecting piping and setting up shop. All to build the blessed stand. @Pitoon I love you but I hate you.C768F32B-D250-4E80-97F9-27542D985D1C.jpeg3E98246A-6CEE-4386-A2AB-89D18CDC1DB7.jpeg9ED8F29A-675A-4310-B319-99A29338BB0D.jpeg
I wish my getting started is simpler. Over the weekend I installed a dust collector and repurpose a broken washer into a dust bin. This coming week is dust collecting piping and setting up shop. All to build the blessed stand. @Pitoon I love you but I hate you.View attachment 403596View attachment 403597View attachment 403598
LOL, I just work outside on my driveway. Then blow all the dust away with the blower.
Well........I have a 200ft driveway the leads into my property. No other cars around except my own and they get the treatment with the leaf blower too ;)
I used to have a 1/4 mile driveway but no more. Right now if I sneeze, the neighbors might hear it. Plus my beloved hates dust so this will help me get back to doing woodwork. The challenge just gives me incentive to move.
At least I got the POS Maytag Bravos washer to good use. It was only 3 year old. It never cleaned well any way. Things could have been a lot simpler had it been a dryer. As it was I had to take the top lid and mount it on the side to get it to work.
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That's too close for me.
Me too but life says to me: "Suck it up buttercup!"
PS: I can actually hear my West side neighbor's tortoise scraping his shell against the fence at night. On the other hand my North side neighbor is really nice and have given me home grown vegetables earlier this year.
I wish my getting started is simpler. Over the weekend I installed a dust collector and repurpose a broken washer into a dust bin. This coming week is dust collecting piping and setting up shop. All to build the blessed stand.

It’s going to make a big difference in your shop. I hacked together my own a few years ago, using a cheap motor from harbor freight and a trash can. I made my own cyclone for it, and used HVAC ducting. The trash can is on wheels, and everything else is on a hinge, so it all swings up and I can roll the can away to empty it.

It’s going to make a big difference in your shop. I hacked together my own a few years ago, using a cheap motor from harbor freight and a trash can. I made my own cyclone for it, and used HVAC ducting. The trash can is on wheels, and everything else is on a hinge, so it all swings up and I can roll the can away to empty it.

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I like your setup.
Mine is an industrial duty cyclone with a 2 hp motor running on a dedicated 20 am 240 volt circuit. I use 6" PVC pipe for dust collection pipe. Lucky for me I don't have to deal with static electricity in Louisiana. There's always enough humidity in the air to prevent static dust explosion. If I have to buy it again I wouldn't do this but I already have the equipment so why not.
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I wish my getting started is simpler. Over the weekend I installed a dust collector and repurpose a broken washer into a dust bin. This coming week is dust collecting piping and setting up shop. All to build the blessed stand. @Pitoon I love you but I hate you.View attachment 403596View attachment 403597View attachment 403598
Got my table saw and bandsaw connected to the dust collector. Just mounted a new blade for my bandsaw. Next is setting up my jointer and planer.
Truth be told I am using this as an excuse to get myself to setup the woodshop.
Then I'm going to turn in a crappy bonsai stand (I know my skill level hahaha)
Truth be told I am using this as an excuse to get myself to setup the woodshop.
A little push is always a good thing.
Then I'm going to turn in a crappy bonsai stand (I know my skill level hahaha)
I think you will surprise yourself and the rest of us as well.
Good luck.
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