I think we all have a stage where we learn a "bonsai"(the plant) is just a tree, however, this is not always liberating.
I believe some folks get stuck into a place, where the actions of "bonsai"(the art) become the method of dealing with this "bonsai"(the tree).
In this way, we manipulate 2 external things, the plant and the actions, selfishly trying to make it become something. I think this is where the feeling of "staleness" of a "green helmet" comes from, wether you appreciate them or not. It also perpetuates our impatience, because here, the impatience never disapates, we just get used to it, so we continue to manipulate these 2 external things and "force".
If we truly realize the plant is a tree, we begin to "allow". We become a mere caretaker of a piece of the Earth's energy. No ego. This humbleness allows a tree to be what it wants to be, as we care for it. Impatience doesn't exist here, it can't because we are wanting for nothing. This is Liberation.
In this Liberation, this want for nothing, love becomes beauty and beauty becomes love. We realize we are no longer a caretaker for the tree, we ARE the tree. So no matter what "stage" you are in, the enjoyment is present. The happiness of being alive on Earth perpetuates.
They say "do something for the love, not the money, if you do it for the love, success follows".
The problem with bonsai is, it hides this idea better than most other things. Drawn out, similar to most of our bonsai education, in the unchangeable fact that is "time". This time allows poor ideas to take hold, the perpetuation of impatience.
So the reason
@Shogun610 (it's not @ing), is correct in his recent statement about prebonsai and those selling them is accurate, is due to all of the above.
We must both Reject Want and Accept Failure.
You see it in this....
"Starting from a seed takes forever."
Yet every tree was once a seed.
There is a valid "start with better material" advice in this understanding, which makes for success.
And a "start with better material" argument due to ego.
It is this stage, the one where you move from negative to positive, which makes the idea of any other "stages" irrelevant, because nursery material was once a seed. Yamadori was one a seed. Pre-bonsai, finished material, the pile of dead trees, all were once a seed.
It is not the seed of tree that needs planting.
It is the seed of humility.
The understanding that Time does not Exist.