Squamata first styling


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QLD, Australia
I purchased this Juniperus Squamata 12 months ago and finally drew some inspiration to tame the beast. This is my first time styling a Juniper and while I don't think ive hit the mark, a few more seasons of growth and foliage mass may present more options.

The first photo is from purchase. Next 3 photos were after an initial branch selection, cleaning out of the dead interior and crotch shoots and a light wire. The tree then grew vigorously over the next few months so I cut back long extension shoots, cleaned out the crotches again and removed most downward and upward shoots. Got rid of the bottom 2 branches and tried to open things up a bit. The jin work will be shortened and left to dry out. The shari will be worked on in another 2 seasons.

I will let the tree rest and build up a head of steam, should be able to get into a smaller pot next year.


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With all those branches skinned like that will it hurt the tree ?
With all those branches skinned like that will it hurt the tree ?

Not if it was done properly and did not sever any life lines to needed remaining growth. Actually I think it is a pretty good job and a great step in the direction of making good bonsai. The design is courageous and pleasing though at some point I believe you will want to reduce some of the dead wood down. As it is now, it does kind of interfere with the intended design a bit. However; I would leave it alone for a year or two. Let it dry out then carve it or you can also with it still green bend it into better positions.
That's looks pretty good, I agree with the Jin though, maybe a little carving n such down the road
That's looks pretty good, I agree with the Jin though, maybe a little carving n such down the road

You will know more in a year or two when the living bark starts to roll over on the new bare wood elements on the trunk,
With all those branches skinned like that will it hurt the tree ?

As with performing major work on any tree, its best to wait until its in excellent condition. Health is top priority before any style work is carried out. Then knowing your seasons - what can/can't be done. In short, no. This tree was well fed over the last several months and was very vigorous when the work was carried out. If anything, it should bounce back quicker and stronger.

Not if it was done properly and did not sever any life lines to needed remaining growth. Actually I think it is a pretty good job and a great step in the direction of making good bonsai. The design is courageous and pleasing though at some point I believe you will want to reduce some of the dead wood down. As it is now, it does kind of interfere with the intended design a bit. However; I would leave it alone for a year or two. Let it dry out then carve it or you can also with it still green bend it into better positions.

Thanks for the feedback, Vance. Ive found only posting in the Tropicals section theres not a lot of responses. Im going on holiday next week and will be visiting some of our countrys top bonsai nurserys, perhaps I should bring home some more larger Junipers to work on. Ive learnt a lot from reading the content here, I like your style Vance and its humbling to hear someone of experience offer feedback. I will leave it for the next 2 years with a repot next year and see how the callus forms. Then the jins will be shortened or even steamed and bent.
As with performing major work on any tree, its best to wait until its in excellent condition. Health is top priority before any style work is carried out. Then knowing your seasons - what can/can't be done. In short, no. This tree was well fed over the last several months and was very vigorous when the work was carried out. If anything, it should bounce back quicker and stronger.

Thanks for the feedback, Vance. Ive found only posting in the Tropicals section theres not a lot of responses. Im going on holiday next week and will be visiting some of our countrys top bonsai nurserys, perhaps I should bring home some more larger Junipers to work on. Ive learnt a lot from reading the content here, I like your style Vance and its humbling to hear someone of experience offer feedback. I will leave it for the next 2 years with a repot next year and see how the callus forms. Then the jins will be shortened or even steamed and bent.

I didn't realize I had a recognizable style---if that's what you mean. Any time I can help I am glad to do so for you or anyone if you ask.
Short update. This one has grown quite well, runners have been allowed to extend in places to allow for more branching options and overall vigour. Its looking a bit bushy at the moment but I'm letting it grow in an effort to encourage mature foliage.
Looking at the tree today it seems too symmetrical and lacks a dominant movement in the foliage. Future removal/or jin of the left branch might be the answer. Future tightening up of the foliage pads and bringing the apex down a touch, perhaps... Last photo is with slight angle change. We shall see, for now it grows..


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I like the symmetry that branch gives - if it were me I would keep it. But the choice is yours and I can see the long term benefits to removing it.
I'd use it as a sacrifice branch and let it grow to thicken the trunk-I would form so good bad with the rest of the tree. Then in a few years jin it.
I'd use it as a sacrifice branch and let it grow to thicken the trunk-I would form so good bad with the rest of the tree. Then in a few years jin it.

good god, auto correct or fat fingers on my phone-I would form some good pads with the rest of the tree, then jin it in a few years
The problem I have with the bottom dead branch is the fact that it is not old enough to have any amount of heart wood that will endure over several years.
Just curious... Can we see it with the cloth over the bottom branch on the right instead of the left?

Here you go, with three useable fronts. In my eye, it seems to look good either way. One branch will eventually go.

The problem I have with the bottom dead branch is the fact that it is not old enough to have any amount of heart wood that will endure over several years.

I'm still just sitting on that and the top jin for now, I see the bottom jin being reduced to a stub with shari running back down the tree. Im in no rush


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Here you go, with three useable fronts. In my eye, it seems to look good either way. One branch will eventually go.

I like it much better with this branch gone than before. It looks to have a better flow in my opinion.
I agree.

Though a few more seasons of pondering may be in order.

Dsc0116 has excellent flow back to the left. Very inviting.

Something about the trunk. .......
It wants to be balanced with this left foliage, more so than hanging heavy outside of the pot.

Thanks for being proactive and taking the requested pics.
Here's a guy who's trees are going to be excellent!

Ok so the take it slow approach and ponder every move wore thin... The tree has been bugging me.
I enjoyed the exercise of pondering either branches removal (pros and cons of each, and how much they can impact design) but in the end I settled with the first proposal as it was always my gut feeling. After pulling the apex across to the right I think the design seems to flow well. Now I will let it be for another year, plenty of time to find a suitable pot. Suggestions?


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