Sprayer for cleaning bark?


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Girard, PA
I've seen a number of people using a small pressure sprayer for cleaning bark. Seemed to work quite well. Does anyone know what they call this device and where do you get one?
If you mean the kind that you pump up for pressure, most any garden supply store or catalog (or Dollar Store) will have them.
No he means a high pressure sprayer. Powered by electricity.
I think someone told me they're used in dry cleaning. I'm googling without much luck.
What are the chances/risks of damaging and/or removing bark with this method?
I'm curious to see this. I'm in Paradox's camp on this - I would be more concerned about damaging the bark than cleaning it...
I've also wondered if dental water piks could be useful for bark/deadwood cleaning purposes?
You could do damage if you didn't know what you were doing......but it does work quite well. I'm tracking this down. They are pricey if bought for bonsai and inexpensive if bought for dry cleaning ....I think.


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Thank you very much!!! That is the gadget. Who'da thunk Ebay........Fore.
you can find them on ebay look for High Pressure Textile Cleaning Water Gun. I don't use on the bark but on the deadwood. It's high pressure water so probably could damage bark if held in one place too long. Works wonders cleaning deadwood though.
you can find them on ebay look for High Pressure Textile Cleaning Water Gun. I don't use on the bark but on the deadwood. It's high pressure water so probably could damage bark if held in one place too long. Works wonders cleaning deadwood though.
I've seen this used on the bark of some extremely pricey azaleas and works wonders. You do have to watch how close you are and adjust the pressure.
I have a wagner pressure painter, with the needle tip for cleaning bark. Works wonders and can indeed damage bark. So keep distance AND WORK OUTSIDE!
Also a word of caution- these are high pressure and can inject water or whatever is being sprayed through them into your skin which can cause serious injury. Do not place a body part into the spray.
Ditto Bob on both points, esp. your skin where it can pierce.
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