BC's have a huge energy reserve, but I think that the path to a shallower root ball should be taken in two steps. I did nothing to the one I bought from the first season because I knew I was going to have to go in the root ball and work on it as much as possible. I wanted the tree to be in a place where it was going to be at its prime for the work. I think that a collected tree will have a better chance of surviving with some roots still present, because even if you are collecting at the prime time, the tree would have sent a lot of resources to the branches up high, which you are removing by chopping it low. Collecting a stump and allowing it to ramify, then doing the hard root work the next spring when the tree is pushing buds would be perfect. Yes it adds a year, but you will reap the benefits not only in ramification, but in the ability to really dig into the nebari while the tree is in energy positive. I removed almost 80% if not more of that tree, and it is pushing growth all over the trunk, as well as on all the branches I kept after the small chop I had to do in November for the move into an apartment.