Source of Japanese white pine seedlings

mother fucking squirrels uprooted every single one of them.
I just noticed a couple little branches chewed off of one of my bougies today. They have already destroyed a few cork bark jades. I hate those sumbitches.
Well, I have good news and bad news regarding the Shumacher JWP seeds.
Followed the 60 day warm moist/90 cold stratification instructions and got nearly 100% germination........
Just as I was ready to do the happy dance, mother fucking squirrels uprooted every single one of them.
Guess the lesson here is we need to time germination to occur in a season when those little bastards aren't busy caching their winter meals
I've learned to use squirrel protection for any pine seeds i plant. The only ones that didn't have disaster oddly were eastern white pine. Maybe they dont like foreigners 🤔
Well, I have good news and bad news regarding the Shumacher JWP seeds.
Followed the 60 day warm moist/90 cold stratification instructions and got nearly 100% germination........
Just as I was ready to do the happy dance, mother fucking squirrels uprooted every single one of them.
Guess the lesson here is we need to time germination to occur in a season when those little bastards aren't busy caching their winter meals
Get some garden wire fence material and make a cage around the flats with your seedlings.
Does anyone know of a good source for JWP in the UK? Everywhere looks to be out of stock 😥
Hey bluecat, it's definitely more difficult after Brexit. In previous years I had Zuisho from Maillot in France, alas, no more. Kenwith conifer nursery sometimes have them, ebay has some, but your best bet might be a local bonsai shop.

I'm growing grafted white pine and trying to get Zuisho on their own roots. Ask again in a year or two!
I found I ALWAYS, MUST put flats with seeds in hardware cloth cages, or the seed will be devoured by varmints. For me it is squirrels , sometimes birds, possibly mice.. Seed in general is food for one critter or another, if you want to raise trees from seed, use some method to keep varmints out or away. It is unreasonable to expect wildlife to leave your seed alone, you might get lucky, but then again, might not.
I found I ALWAYS, MUST put flats with seeds in hardware cloth cages, or the seed will be devoured by varmints. For me it is squirrels , sometimes birds, possibly mice.. Seed in general is food for one critter or another, if you want to raise trees from seed, use some method to keep varmints out or away. It is unreasonable to expect wildlife to leave your seed alone, you might get lucky, but then again, might not.
This reminds me of my adventures with beech seeds: from my in-laws place on Cape Cod I harvested seeds from both a European beech and a purple beech. Both mother trees were 4-5 feet in diameter, and I was excited about the prospects!

I dutifully cold stratified them over the winter, and grew about a dozen seedlings the following year, all the while protected in hardware cloth cages. I also protected them during the first winter, and then in spring put them in a row on a 4 foot high bench in the garden. The fucking squirrels ate everyone of them down to the soil line that first night!
Living in GA, I grew to really enjoy working with JBP seedlings, but with the move to MI, I've decided to try my hand at JWP. Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty sourcing them. I've reached out to @kingsville grower and Matt Ouwinga but haven't heard back from either. I'm planning on trying my hand at growing them from seed but I'm unlikely to get them in time to stratify for this year. I'm wanting 1-2 year old bare root seedlings. TIA
Found these on Ebay
JWP seedlings
I ordered a JWP from kaede and while I am quite new to bonsai (so others surely would be more equipped to talk about the quality), the little pine arrived quite healthy and has a little bit of growth since arrival.
Just a heads up. I was just able to order a 6 year old Yatsabusa JWP seedling from Wayne/Riverbend Gardens. I’ll follow up when I receive it. I have ordered satsuki from Wayne before and had a very positive experience so I don’t expect this to be any different. Most of his JWP seedlings are listed at $45. I spent an extra $10 ($55) for one that was a bit larger than the others. This is a much better price than I’ve seen elsewhere, especially for 6y.o. seedlings. If you’re looking I’d jump on this as they probably won’t last long.

Picture is the one I purchased.

Just a heads up. I was just able to order a 6 year old Yatsabusa JWP seedling from Wayne/Riverbend Gardens. I’ll follow up when I receive it. I have ordered satsuki from Wayne before and had a very positive experience so I don’t expect this to be any different. Most of his JWP seedlings are listed at $45. I spent an extra $10 ($55) for one that was a bit larger than the others. This is a much better price than I’ve seen elsewhere, especially for 6y.o. seedlings. If you’re looking I’d jump on this as they probably won’t last long.

Picture is the one I purchased.
How much was your shipping?
How much was your shipping?
$25… more than I would normally spend but I suspect shipping costs are up. IIRC when I ordered from Riverbend before the amount I was charged was reflected by the shipper so it was not a matter of padding the shipping costs.

Also… I really want that damn tree😅
$25… more than I would normally spend but I suspect shipping costs are up. IIRC when I ordered from Riverbend before the amount I was charged was reflected by the shipper so it was not a matter of padding the shipping costs.

Also… I really want that damn tree😅
Hahah understandable, I'm asking so I can mentally prepare myself bc I'm contemplating doing the same 😬
Just a heads up. I was just able to order a 6 year old Yatsabusa JWP seedling from Wayne/Riverbend Gardens. I’ll follow up when I receive it. I have ordered satsuki from Wayne before and had a very positive experience so I don’t expect this to be any different. Most of his JWP seedlings are listed at $45. I spent an extra $10 ($55) for one that was a bit larger than the others. This is a much better price than I’ve seen elsewhere, especially for 6y.o. seedlings. If you’re looking I’d jump on this as they probably won’t last long.

Picture is the one I purchased.

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Looks like you bought the last one
Looks like you bought the last one
I’m showing that he still has some at the $45 price point when I’m on the site. There are also some grafted options available, both cork bark black pine and rough bark white pine similarly priced.
I’m showing that he still has some at the $45 price point when I’m on the site. There are also some grafted options available, both cork bark black pine and rough bark white pine similarly priced.
Yesterday all that showed was the grafted arakawa. Must have been some delay with my internet. Either way I went ahead and bought the biggest 6 year old they had left and my first satsuki azalea to justify the shipping 😂
I'm now the owner of 6 small goyomatsu and I'm on a wait list for another next year. No I don't have a problem 😂
Yesterday all that showed was the grafted arakawa. Must have been some delay with my internet. Either way I went ahead and bought the biggest 6 year old they had left and my first satsuki azalea to justify the shipping 😂
I'm now the owner of 6 small goyomatsu and I'm on a wait list for another next year. No I don't have a problem 😂
I purchased several 4” satsuki early spring. They were vigorous and grew well this summer. They were still flexible enough to take wiring well and they all bloomed nicely. I expect you’ll like your plants from Riverbend, I was very happy with mine.
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