Some photos of various of my deciduous trees today.

Wow the math would make the year 1976. Wish I started then Had a love for trees before that year. Life, family, my own character defects distracted me from pursuing this passion. Consider yourself lucky, or probably well missioned. Envious. john
That's about right.

I have very few trees left from then - a couple from 1981 or so. Those older trees are no guarantee of quality and I'm prouder of trees I've had in the last 10 years...
Gorgeous - especially the hawthorn. What's your pruning / maintenance schedule for the hawthorn if you don't mind me asking? I've not had much luck with my hawthorn flowering. Do you do a hard prune in late winter, and then leave it alone the rest of the year?
Gorgeous - especially the hawthorn. What's your pruning / maintenance schedule for the hawthorn if you don't mind me asking? I've not had much luck with my hawthorn flowering. Do you do a hard prune in late winter, and then leave it alone the rest of the year?
That thing barely grows - I don't recall ever having to prune it.

What DOES matter is the intensity and/or length of the winter. This last winter was colder than the previous one and all my flowering trees were better as a result.
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