My one juniper tree has been in the same pot and is in regular potting soil from the nursery (as nowhere around here seems to carry any of the fancy stuff you guys talk about Acadama etc)
I'm getting ready to do a little cleanup of this tree, and I just purchased another nursery grown juniper (about 3-4 years old) in nursery soil and pot. I haven't repotted, trimmed, or wired this tree yet.
(Pics below)
So my questions are:
Old Nursery Juniper Tree (oldest 5-6 years):
~ What soil can I create that will help this tree thrive with local big box store materials (I'm in Canada, Home Depot, WalMart, Kent, Home Hardware, Rona). I can get perlite, sphagnum, coir.
~ Do I need to put this tree in a different pot, it's been in the same one for like three years now.
~ When should I a) repot/resoil, b) trim/style/wire existing tree?
~ Should I repot/rewire/trim all at the same time?
New Nursery Juniper Tree (3-4 years old):
~ What should I do first, trim/style/wire or repot?
~ Should I repot and leave it in the new pot for the summer and style in fall or even next spring?
~ Should I trim/style/wire and leave in existing pot until fall or spring then repot?
I don't want to damage these trees as one I have been working of for three years now.
HELP!? lol

New Tree:

I'm getting ready to do a little cleanup of this tree, and I just purchased another nursery grown juniper (about 3-4 years old) in nursery soil and pot. I haven't repotted, trimmed, or wired this tree yet.
(Pics below)
So my questions are:
Old Nursery Juniper Tree (oldest 5-6 years):
~ What soil can I create that will help this tree thrive with local big box store materials (I'm in Canada, Home Depot, WalMart, Kent, Home Hardware, Rona). I can get perlite, sphagnum, coir.
~ Do I need to put this tree in a different pot, it's been in the same one for like three years now.
~ When should I a) repot/resoil, b) trim/style/wire existing tree?
~ Should I repot/rewire/trim all at the same time?
New Nursery Juniper Tree (3-4 years old):
~ What should I do first, trim/style/wire or repot?
~ Should I repot and leave it in the new pot for the summer and style in fall or even next spring?
~ Should I trim/style/wire and leave in existing pot until fall or spring then repot?
I don't want to damage these trees as one I have been working of for three years now.
HELP!? lol

New Tree: