Small chinesis juniperjuniper


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Jacksonville, Fl
This little guy is the 2nd bonsai I created/potted/etc. I'm happy to keep it in a bonsai pot even though it won't ever be better. I would put its total age at a little over 10 years. It's been in a bonsai pot for 7. The lowest branch may come off as it comes off the trunk towards the viewer from the side that shows the best movement. It would probably then be styled as a literati.20160108_174115_resized.jpg 20160108_174127_resized.jpg 20160108_174105_resized.jpg
Use the first branch as a cutting.
If it were mine I would get rid of that rather ugly first branch (jin about an inch or so of it) and go for a Bunjin style.

Hell yeah!

If there is a tree that should go there...
It's this one!

Oh....well hell yeah!

even though it won't ever be better.

I gotta call Bullshit on this one!


Don't sell yourself short!
I'd buy this from you today!
(if I could)(I can't!)
But if you felt like going to UPS....
I still wood!

But it's too good to risk transport.
You may as well make it a dope ass tree for yourself!

I think it would make a really nice bunjin, I would jin the lowest branch and I would leave just that top cascading banch as the apex.

Being concerned with health of tree....
And for dope interest....

I would consider using one of those close low create and design an interesting jin. And kill it and strip it later.

Rather than just having a Wang poking out.

Something that would flow nice with the trunk movement, I think could take this from wicked sick ass raw bunjin!

Yea I think I may need to try to grow some more foliage on the top before I chop that one off. That is all I'm waiting on right now. So I don't kill it by removing too much foliage
It lost the little first branch and was reported at a different angle. The first branch on the left was going to be situated a little lower before "snap", put it back and it's callusing well where it was separating. It may go more upright in the future.20160519_174355.jpg 20160519_174330.jpg
I like it on the angle you planted. It has movement you can work with and character. Let the angle grow on you for a few seasons.
And you said it wouldn't ever get better... Pffttt! Looks better already!

Yea chopping that dumb branch was all that it took to be like "ok I got a little something going now." It has exploded with growth due to the repot and I'm itching to try to wire it all down flat and keep it more of a literati. But I will refrain.
On a side note I have noticed that chinesis junipers can take a lot of work at once and the whole take no more than 40 percent doesn't apply. Not sure if it's because my trees are younger or what but I chopped 90 percent off of this one as an experiment a couple years ago during a bored winter and what did it do, back budded from the trunk all over. I would encourage the use of it for newbies or people that like to torture the shit out of their trees like me.
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