I made a simple wire caddy for my aluminium bonsai wire.
I found a bunch of free empty 3D filament wire spools on an online marketplace.
The spools can be separated into two pieces so I can easily put new rolls of wire on the spools.
At first I was thinking of making a holder of PVC pipe for the spools but I found an old metal frame from a footrest.
To hold the spools in place I used two hoseclamps with a butterfly handle / wing nut.
I found a bunch of free empty 3D filament wire spools on an online marketplace.
The spools can be separated into two pieces so I can easily put new rolls of wire on the spools.
At first I was thinking of making a holder of PVC pipe for the spools but I found an old metal frame from a footrest.
To hold the spools in place I used two hoseclamps with a butterfly handle / wing nut.