Not my sierra juniper (yet) but my teacher asked me to come by and work on it. It had its rough initial styling about 4 years ago and was left to grow to a bush. Little was done to it since then besides minimal pruning. Today, we cleaned up the bark, removed unnecessary growth, rewired, and reset primary branches.

The plan now is to let the tree recover and fertilize heavily. Will need to clean up the bark further and lime sulfur the deadwoods but this will be saved for another time. The tree currently is sparce but in a year the pads should fill up a bit and we'll go from there. Next year will also be a good time to repot it. I'm leaning towards an oval pot but nothing decided yet. *side note* There's a branch that's parallel to horizontal on the right side of the tree- this was bent down after the photo.

The plan now is to let the tree recover and fertilize heavily. Will need to clean up the bark further and lime sulfur the deadwoods but this will be saved for another time. The tree currently is sparce but in a year the pads should fill up a bit and we'll go from there. Next year will also be a good time to repot it. I'm leaning towards an oval pot but nothing decided yet. *side note* There's a branch that's parallel to horizontal on the right side of the tree- this was bent down after the photo.