Show us your Urban Yamadori


Drop Branch Murphy
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SE MI- Bonsai'd for 12 years both MA and N GA
A recent thread got me thinking about urban yamadori and how it really is an underutilized source of potential bonsai material. I actually only have a few, but they are some of my better bonsai or pre bonsai. With that said, I thought I'd start a thread where folks could post pics of their landscape collected trees. Ideally, the trees posted will have started their bonsai training, but that's not a requirement. So, let's see those pictures. Here are the few I have.

- First is a yew dug from my in-law's front yard near Rochester, NY.
- Second is a Hollywood juniper purchased on consignment at NEBG, not sure where it was dug.
- Third is another yew dug from my old front yard in MA.


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I was hoping this was going to be another picture thread....:confused:

It will be perfect for those who are doing "urban yamadori" who haven't posted their trees yet. For me, it is not convenient or practical having posted several already (and multiple on some threads too). Sorry I just don't want to waste my time going through the notion where the end result is the same anyway.

Nice trees by the way. :cool:
It will be perfect for those who are doing "urban yamadori" who haven't posted their trees yet. For me, it is not convenient or practical having posted several already (and multiple on some threads too). Sorry I just don't want to waste my time going through the notion where the end result is the same anyway.

Wow...I guess I should thank you for posting a link to all your the same amount of time you could have just posted a picture....which is all I asked.
Crummy azalea from my yard that was on the brink of death. Figured it was worth a shot.
And some sort of ilex I dug last year that I'm allowing to recover before i figure out how much to carve out of it.


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Wow...I guess I should thank you for posting a link to all your the same amount of time you could have just posted a picture....which is all I asked.

I just don't believe in it...just like the "tree thread" and "before and after". They are great threads but when I need something as a reference is useless. That is how I see it. I shared my links for those who want to see the full story. They don't want to waste their time? Why should I?

To each his own. :)

BTW harvesting and posting 60+ pics is not that fast. :rolleyes:
Love your Taxus Dave. Particularly the one on the left. Really nice!!

Here is my only one to date. A 20 year old spindle tree clump. I dug it out last May. No work yet has been done to it.

Now we're talking! Well, I'd have to say your one and only urban yamadori is fantastic...can't wait to see this one in 5 years!
I just don't believe in it...just like the "tree thread" and "before and after". They are great threads but when I need something as a reference is useless. That is how I see it. I shared my links for those who want to see the full story. They don't want to waste their time? Why should I?

To each his own. :)

BTW harvesting and posting 60+ pics is not that fast. :rolleyes:
Then why did you post AT ALL??? If you aren't going to post any pics, could you please stop posting in the thread? Thanks.
Crummy azalea from my yard that was on the brink of death. Figured it was worth a shot.
And some sort of ilex I dug last year that I'm allowing to recover before i figure out how much to carve out of it.

That's quite a trunk on your Ilex. Are you thinking of working with both trunks or carving away one and styling it as a single trunk?
Here is the only juniper of the (3) I dug this past July that I put in a training's also the only one that lived. I just couldn't get enough of the roots buried on the two larger ones.....Most of the branches had rooted into the ground. That was a ruff dig.

I have no idea if this thing will ever make anything worth looking at as far as bonsai goes, but I like it anyway.


Here are the (4) yaupon holly I dug about 2 months ago. There were (26) of these in the ground for the taking, but (4) was all I had the strength to dig.


I hope to collect some bald cypress come early spring....Depends if there are any on my buddies hunting property in Macon county.

Here is the only juniper of the (3) I dug this past July that I put in a training's also the only one that lived. I just couldn't get enough of the roots buried on the two larger ones.....Most of the branches had rooted into the ground. That was a ruff dig.

I have no idea if this thing will ever make anything worth looking at as far as bonsai goes, but I like it anyway.


Here are the (4) yaupon holly I dug about 2 months ago. There were (26) of these in the ground for the taking, but (4) was all I had the strength to dig.


I hope to collect some bald cypress come early spring....Depends if there are any on my buddies hunting property in Macon county.

Those yaupons are great. I've been looking for a good yaupon to dig out of someone's yard, but haven't found the right one...yet.
Dave...I'm sure we could work something out...I don't need (4).

That's quite a trunk on your Ilex. Are you thinking of working with both trunks or carving away one and styling it as a single trunk?

I think I will have no choice but to use it as a single as I believe one of the trunks died off. I have only seen growth on one of them since the dig. I was careless when digging as I didn't think i would even bother to keep it. I was just trying to remove it because it was over 10 feet high and blocking a window on my house! After i dug it I said, ah what the hell....
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All or most of these have appeared in older posts but here are the photos...

Fat ollie 2012 002.jpg

Fat Ollie. a piece of an 100 year old olive tree I collected with friends.


A privet that volunteered from seed in my yard.


Boxwood dug from a hedge many years ago.

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Olivezilla, another piece of an 100 year old olive stump.

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Flowering pear, from a chopped landscape tree.
I think I will have no choice but to use it as a single as I believe one of the trunks died off. I have only seen growth on one of them since the dig. I was careless when digging as I didn't think i would even bother to keep it. I was just trying to remove it because it was over 10 feet high and blocking a window on my house! After i dug it I said, ah what the hell....
Probably a good thing as it looks a little...ahem...obscene to me! Or maybe my mind is just in the gutter today...

I tried to save 6 parsons junipers out of our hedgerow at work. Only one survived, it had the least amount of potential, but the most foliage and roots of all six so it was placed in a 5 gallon bucket. Age is unknown to me. I would think at least 10 yrs. Much of the trunk I buried and can be seen by the second broken trunk coming up out of the soil line.

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