Show us Your ugly/messy/non-ideal Garden


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Orange County, southern CA
I know we have a "Show us your garden" thread already but I thought this might be an interesting twist. Obviously, some of the members here have beautiful, amazing, drool-worthy gardens that have ample space, good design, and all the bells and whistles... This thread isn't for you!!!

I've gotten into bonsai over the last couple of years and have had to make due with a yard that isn't ideal. Some day I'll have a larger yard where I can create something more permanent and visually pleasing, but for now, this is it! So, if you live in an apartment and make due with only a balcony let's see it! If you have kids and have to keep your plants shoved into a corner of the yard (like me), be proud! If you have plants stacked 5 high because you have no space, this is your thread! I think it'd be good for a lot of beginners to understand you don't need a stunning garden or ton of space to get into hobby, you just have to be passionate about it.

I'll kick it off with my garden.

I started with this little bench I built from cinder blocks and some discounted scrap lumber at Home Depot. I have the plants squeezed together like sardines and basically ran out of space before it was even finished. (Junipers, rosemary, succulents, bougainvillea, boxwood and oak starter)

So, I expanded onto our front patio where I get better sun and had some additional room. Same thing, mostly made from scrap wood I picked up at home depot and a few bricks. That got filled up pretty quick as well (cork oak, olive, pine, ficus, succulents)

So... back to the backyard to expand some more! Added a bunch of oak acorns I planted, as well as my urban yamadori privet and my siberian elm Kabudachi starters (thanks @cmeg1 !)


So that's my cramped garden. Not a finished bonsai in sight and more plants than I know what to do with but I'm having fun! Your turn!
I also don’t have a finished bonsai but those garden threads have inspired me to redo the garden entirely. Ordered a root slayer to get started on tearing out the grass. I can’t wait to finish the entire project, it’s going to be around 400$ in materials, will be well worth it. I don’t have any finished plans to share but the tables are changing places, I’m adding pathways with patio stones, and filling in the areas without a walkway with gravel. I’ll post when it’s finally all done in a month or two. But here’s the garden that I never tended until I got into this hobby.


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I also don’t have a finished bonsai but those garden threads have inspired me to redo the garden entirely. Ordered a root slayer to get started on tearing out the grass. I can’t wait to finish the entire project, it’s going to be around 400$ in materials, will be well worth it. I don’t have any finished plans to share but the tables are changing places, I’m adding pathways with patio stones, and filling in the areas without a walkway with gravel. I’ll post when it’s finally all done in a month or two. But here’s the garden that I never tended until I got into this hobby.
Your cat looks like she is gonna pounce on one your trees. Always make it bigger. Can't wait to see what you will do. I will get some pictures of mine to post.
My " messy " garden...most of the pictures are September apart from the last which was July/ August I think when my " bee/insect" area was in full swing 🥰 it's amazing how little problem I have had with pests the last 2 years since I set it up and I love seeing all the different bees / moths and butterflys 🥰20230928_163000.jpg20230928_162926.jpg20230928_163023.jpg20230819_181333.jpg


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my garden is coming along now. i was moved from my original plans but this spot works out a bit better. im still working on the shadecloth side but im close enough now to share some pics. the other side of the yard is next, im looking at some japanese gardens for inspiration, im thinking something simple will do


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Here's my mess. Definitely a work in progress. It's a long line along the fence, but the redwoods shade the area in the afternoon. Definitely important in the summer here. I've converted almost all the broadcast sprinkler heads to drip or microspary. The grass is going away. Drought tolerant plants, gravel, rock going in - at some point. Also need more proper benches.

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Figured I'd contribute since this thread resurfaced. I've been a penny pincher the whole time I've been in this hobby (not a lotta disposable income so I do what I can with what I've got), but it's good to see those other not-so-picture-perfect setups. I see a lotta healthy trees here though, that's all that really really matters.

Here's my far less than ideal setup. Front patio trees that get as full Sun as they can get during the summer on the opposite fence, then moved under the eaves to keep things from getting too soggy
Back patio that faces south, but has a big ol maple blocking the sun all summer, so ends up as my "mostly shade" area (besides everything getting roasted with the evening Sun for a couple hours before it sets) in the summer, but gives me some fairly good light "winter sun" (if that's a thing in the pnw) once the maple drops it's leaves.
And backyard cont. With my pallet and cinder block bench that's going to be tried out as some winter storage underneath it this year.
Ok, I’ll play
In 2021 I moved into a place with an outdoor area
Then I painted to make it look less shite…

Even laid down some astroturf not having a clue how to do it right…
But the elements hit my fake lawn hard and what’s supposed to last 10+ years grew bald in just a few months, also, the paint which is supposed to be outdoor paint was shite quality (I guess Chinese would rather tile outdoors than paint)
So last weekend I ripped up the bald astroturf coz it’s shite to keep clean and it’s all back to just concrete and some trees
Ok, I’ll play
In 2021 I moved into a place with an outdoor area
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Then I painted to make it look less shite…

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Even laid down some astroturf not having a clue how to do it right…
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But the elements hit my fake lawn hard and what’s supposed to last 10+ years grew bald in just a few months, also, the paint which is supposed to be outdoor paint was shite quality (I guess Chinese would rather tile outdoors than paint)
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So last weekend I ripped up the bald astroturf coz it’s shite to keep clean and it’s all back to just concrete and some trees
Get enough trees and maybe it won't matter?🤷
@ShadyStump i was considering stands and monkey poles to cover the whole area in trees, problem is if I move away into a place that no longer has an outdoor area, then I’m screwed
Ivy in pots all over the walls then? Most people wouldn't mind that if you had to leave them.
My backyard faces south, but is mostly covered in mature trees, so I don't get much sun. There is a narrow strip just behind my house that gets direct mid-day sun during the summer and filtered sun in the winter, but nowhere in my backyard do I get full sun or morning sun. So, most of my trees are huddled up on my deck.

The upper half of my deck has a few simple benches and all of the trees that are currently in bonsai pots (aside from the tropicals that are currently inside).


The lower half of my deck is currently filled with various project trees. As more trees move to bonsai pots, I will add benches here to display them.


Project trees started overflowing to the side of the garage. I really need to clean all this up.


The area next to the garage was actually much worse, but I built some benches around the deck this year to start getting better organized. I was hoping to clear the pile entirely, but I still had lots leftover. I need to trim down the number of projects (but I won't).


I keep trees in recovery at the edge of the treeline to get more shade. Right now it is mostly trees that were dug up from my yard this year (gardenia, crape myrtle, privet), as well as several maples that were put there to protect them from the summer sun (and now there's no room on the deck for them). I might build some benches under the trees at some point for trees that don't enjoy the direct summer sun.


My front yard gets a lot more sun, especially near the street, but I don't want to keep trees out there for the most part. I currently have a bald cypress and a yaupon holly out there and the acorns for my acorn to oak tree entry (there is marginally less squirrel activity out front). The holly and acorns were hiding behind the hibiscus, but then they dropped all their leaves. The half barrel for the BC is an attempt to pretend this is a decorative plant and not a bonsai project; from the street you can't see the nursery pot.

My backyard faces south, but is mostly covered in mature trees, so I don't get much sun. There is a narrow strip just behind my house that gets direct mid-day sun during the summer and filtered sun in the winter, but nowhere in my backyard do I get full sun or morning sun. So, most of my trees are huddled up on my deck.

The upper half of my deck has a few simple benches and all of the trees that are currently in bonsai pots (aside from the tropicals that are currently inside).

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The lower half of my deck is currently filled with various project trees. As more trees move to bonsai pots, I will add benches here to display them.

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Project trees started overflowing to the side of the garage. I really need to clean all this up.

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The area next to the garage was actually much worse, but I built some benches around the deck this year to start getting better organized. I was hoping to clear the pile entirely, but I still had lots leftover. I need to trim down the number of projects (but I won't).

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I keep trees in recovery at the edge of the treeline to get more shade. Right now it is mostly trees that were dug up from my yard this year (gardenia, crape myrtle, privet), as well as several maples that were put there to protect them from the summer sun (and now there's no room on the deck for them). I might build some benches under the trees at some point for trees that don't enjoy the direct summer sun.

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My front yard gets a lot more sun, especially near the street, but I don't want to keep trees out there for the most part. I currently have a bald cypress and a yaupon holly out there and the acorns for my acorn to oak tree entry (there is marginally less squirrel activity out front). The holly and acorns were hiding behind the hibiscus, but then they dropped all their leaves. The half barrel for the BC is an attempt to pretend this is a decorative plant and not a bonsai project; from the street you can't see the nursery pot.

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Seems like a really peaceful setting.
Cool ✌️
My summer set up isn't much better, but this is what my garden looks like in the winter.


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