Show Us Your Bonsai Benches

For something different ...
I built this “living shelf”, a shallow trough of succulents over a narrow overflow pond which my koi pond filters flush into (which then seep into the garden area on the right).
I set my few pre-bonsai on cut pieces of abs pipe to suspend them above the succulents. There is a pump in the trough, on a time that sends water up to shower on the trees and plants, and then drains back into the pond below. I like it, but when my bonsai become presentable, they will be showcased on tasteful shelving of their own :
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@cishepard have you had any trouble with your pond with pesticides and fertilizer running off your trees into the pond? just curious been thinking about ponds a little bit lately
@cishepard have you had any trouble with your pond with pesticides and fertilizer running off your trees into the pond? just curious been thinking about ponds a little bit lately

The “pond” that the shelf sits over is just a holding tank that my actual pond filters flush into - so it is filled with fish waste water that helps fertilize the trees. There are a few goldfish culls living in there to control mosquitos, and they seem to do fine. I would not do this over a pond with fish that you care about!
The “pond” that the shelf sits over is just a holding tank that my actual pond filters flush into - so it is filled with fish waste water that helps fertilize the trees. There are a few goldfish culls living in there to control mosquitos, and they seem to do fine. I would not do this over a pond with fish that you care about!
Off topic... but could you share a picture of your koi pond?
Off topic... but could you share a picture of your koi pond?

It’s not much to brag about - I have two small ponds (600g ea.) and they are hard to get a clear picture of. One houses 15 large beautiful goldfish and the other has 3 20”+ koi who are rapidly running out of space. They both have old school filtration with vortex settling chambers on the bottom drains. These tanks have sump pumps submerged down in the cones and on timers to flush the debris out 8 times a day (with an auto water top up) and this is the waste water that goes to the pit pond under the bonsai shelf.
I have figured out a way to move the filters and expand the left hand pond to twice the size and much deeper, using the existing pergola which is essential to keeping the herons away. That will be my big project for this summer. If anyone is on Koiphen, I am GoldieGirl and will be posting my build there when I get started : )

My son and I added 72 more brick blocks to raise the height of the benches. Exhausting work!

But, I think it will do, “for now”.

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I was actually a bit shocked at the humble nature of the first pic you posted @Adair M . Especially for that incredible collection youve got sitting on them. I like the direction your heading with the new brick lifts for your benches though. ??
I was actually a bit shocked at the humble nature of the first pic you posted @Adair M . Especially for that incredible collection youve got sitting on them. I like the direction your heading with the new brick lifts for your benches though. ??
I also really think this thread has been great for motivating people to upgrade and build new setups. Well done @Gsquared
Here's @Wilson at the holiday bbq after luggin' rock all weekend!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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...protect your back, brother....:eek:

I don't know if I have them Puritan roots from my Irish family, but I always seem to put myself in situations of physical duress!? At least yesterday I had my helper for one load, he is a giant from Tonga! If Little Mac watched Moana, my helper is the human version of Maui!
I was actually a bit shocked at the humble nature of the first pic you posted @Adair M . Especially for that incredible collection youve got sitting on them. I like the direction your heading with the new brick lifts for your benches though. ??
Thanks. I’ve never had a nice “display” area for my trees. John Geangel used to get on my case about it! He was right, of course.

I’ve moved to a new place, with an empty grass lawn. A completely blank canvas. On the one hand, it offers unlimited (within limits, lol!!!) design possibilities. On the other, it could also become a time and money pit!

What I need, is Sergio (@MACH5 ) to come down and design it for me! (Then I just need all his money to build it!)
My son and I added 72 more brick blocks to raise the height of the benches. Exhausting work!

But, I think it will do, “for now”.

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not to go off topic but what is the 3rd tree in on the bench closes to us , if you have it posted please share a link that tree looks amazing, nice benches btw
The third tree in? From the left or the right? Lol!!!

From the far left, the third tree in is a hemlock. It’s actually not my tree! I’m keeping it for my friend Curt Howard, and he wants me to wire/ style it for him. It’s sporting beautiful bright green new foliage right now on top of the mature dark green foliage. It does make for a beautiful show!

If you meant the third tree from the right, it’s a little JWP. The view of it is blocked by a branch of the second tree from the right, another JWP.

My son and I added yet another row in front. Another 3 boards, and another 40 blocks!

I think I’ve used all my “help Dad out” credits for a while!

We also installed a redneck watering system that will hopefully allow me to keep things from dying while I go to Boon’s for a week later next month.

I think I’ll celebrate with a beer!

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The third tree in? From the left or the right? Lol!!!

From the far left, the third tree in is a hemlock. It’s actually not my tree! I’m keeping it for my friend Curt Howard, and he wants me to wire/ style it for him. It’s sporting beautiful bright green new foliage right now on top of the mature dark green foliage. It does make for a beautiful show!

If you meant the third tree from the right, it’s a little JWP. The view of it is blocked by a branch of the second tree from the right, another JWP.

My son and I added yet another row in front. Another 3 boards, and another 40 blocks!

I think I’ve used all my “help Dad out” credits for a while!

We also installed a redneck watering system that will hopefully allow me to keep things from dying while I go to Boon’s for a week later next month.

I think I’ll celebrate with a beer!

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its the one now on the second smallest bench and its the first tree on that bench on the left side in the back. can you do a thread on pictures of your trees? lol
Benches look great btw, i feel like the simplicity of them really adds to the beauty of the tree's they take nothing away from them but are still tasteful in the lay out and with the organic materials used
its the one now on the second smallest bench and its the first tree on that bench on the left side in the back. can you do a thread on pictures of your trees? lol
Benches look great btw, i feel like the simplicity of them really adds to the beauty of the tree's they take nothing away from them but are still tasteful in the lay out and with the organic materials used
Yep! That’s Curt’s hemlock. It’s kind of a triple trunk. If I remember, I’ll take a decent picture of it tomorrow.

The benches are too crowded, but at least now most of the trees are up off the ground. This is just a temporary set up.

I’m thinking of installing a koi pond...

There is a guy in the area who is perhaps the best koi guy in the US. He was a judge at the All Japan Koi Show! Anyway...

The good thing about these benches are they are “substantial”, sturdy, but they still can be taken down and moved. I figure the 4x6s won’t sag, although they may warp. If one warps, I’ll just have to replace it.

I posted threads on several of the trees last fall as styling progressions.
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