Shohin Olive

Brian Van Fleet

Pretty Fly for a Bonsai Guy
Reaction score
B’ham, AL
I bought this olive on eBay in summer of 2019. It’s basically a chunk of wood with a living portion. Old olive stumps have an ability to grow roots where they’re in contact with soil and shoots from living areas above the soil. The back side looks like a piece of firewood, but from this front, it has decent taper and movement, and some interest. Here are shots from as-received, and as it grew over the next couple months. As the leaders stretched out, I added a little wire to get some movement in the flexible new branches.

Nice, Brian. I think Olives make fantastic shohin, and they develop relatively quickly. How tall is this?
Looks great, Brian. I have seen some similar olives on eBay and thought about getting one. This thread makes me want one!

Do you treat it like a tropical over the winter?
Do you treat it like a tropical over the winter?
Not quite, I’ll let it get cold, down in the upper 20sF, and then it will go back out when the cold snap breaks. Supposedly they’re hardy in zones 8-10, and the USDA says we are 8 now. So far the leaves have never shown any signs of damage.
Not quite, I’ll let it get cold, down in the upper 20sF, and then it will go back out when the cold snap breaks. Supposedly they’re hardy in zones 8-10, and the USDA says we are 8 now. So far the leaves have never shown any signs of damage.
For what it's worth, I do the same.
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