Imperial Masterpiece
Both posted pic looks the same to me size wise.
Shohin is the bonsai size.
IF this is a yaupon holly "nana" it will be slow growing...can get big but will take a long time.
IF this is a yaupon holly of the larger variety, it can reach more than 10 feet. I have a few that I collected & chopped down to 10" from 7 feet tall. Those can grow much faster if I want to and let it. It really depends on what your goals are and there are various ways to attain it.
Shohin is the bonsai size.
IF this is a yaupon holly "nana" it will be slow growing...can get big but will take a long time.
IF this is a yaupon holly of the larger variety, it can reach more than 10 feet. I have a few that I collected & chopped down to 10" from 7 feet tall. Those can grow much faster if I want to and let it. It really depends on what your goals are and there are various ways to attain it.