Sex and society


Imperial Masterpiece
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Orléans, France, Europe
I just saw a documentary on "Arte" about the history of homosexuality.

Among the documents that were shown, there was this song, by a "crooner".
I remember my Mum singing it, humming it when making a cake. I vaguely remember the song, but I never tought it was about love between people of the same sex. Just love.

Online translation :

We lovers
We have them
We would like to se-pa-rate
They would like to prevent us from being happy
We have them
It seems like hell
Who is watching us or the iron
And the fire
It's true, the fools and the bad guys
Hurt us play tricks on us
Yet nothing is more e-vi-dent
What love
We have them
We can't do anything against them
They are a thousand and we are two
But the hour will strike
Less dif-fi-cult nights
And I could love it
Without being talked about in town
I promise
It is written
We have them
The sun shines for us
And we sleep on the knees of God
We have them
He gave us the right
To happiness and joy
To be two
So the loveless, the unloved,
We will have to acquit-ter
You who have never been
We have them
We will live without you
Because the sky is with
We have them

Bad translation, nothing poetic.

One of my sons is gay, the daughter of my best friend is a lesbian, the son of my former girl-friend still wonders how...

I mean, I'm not a Putinist, or an "evangelist", or a fundamentalist muslim, or jew. All religions suck, they're just a justification for making "others" worth nothing.

I don't believe in god.
I could, to some extent argue with religious fans. I used to believe (or make believe) in "god" when I was in my pre-teens. Then I realised that religion equalled dictatorship, sex-abuse, etc...

I just love my children. When I say "My children", it's not only my sons, but all the kids I was their teacher. And honestly, when I happen to meet a former, pupil^, or student, in the street, or at the tobacconist's, they all say something like "you were cool".

Yes, my job was to teach them some form of English, but to me, it meant much more : teaching them what "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" means.

I remember you saying you only start threads like this after a few 🍻😉
I remember you saying you only start threads like this after a few

Got me ! 🥴

Yet, I still think the same when sober, it's just that first I realise I might hurt some when I'm too blunt, second that I won't change people's opinions, like JC changed the water into wine.

Maybe I would still be a believer if he had changer water into Guinness or Westmalle Triple...
Who are we, or ANY society, to tell people who they can and can't love...

I believe sexuality to be a spectrum...

"FULLY straight" and "FULLY
homosexual"..... don't really exist, in my opinion. (In the mind.. I do believe some people keep their BEHAVIORS consistent, throughout life)

There are folk in romantic love with their vehicles, and other inanimate objects... it's not MY place to tell them they are wrong
OR right.


Cool thread!

S'gonna end crazy.. but I like the thought.
Got me ! 🥴

Yet, I still think the same when sober, it's just that first I realise I might hurt some when I'm too blunt, second that I won't change people's opinions, like JC changed the water into wine.

Maybe I would still be a believer if he had changer water into Guinness or Westmalle Triple...

Sounds like you need to smoke more pot. ;)

...maybe a big ol' personal
... waiting for the flowers. White "threads" just beginning to show. ;)

I've got one this year, in about a#3 container's worth of soil, that is NOW about a foot taller than me. 🤯

Most aggressive "Sacred Flower" Plant I've EVER grown.(That's saying something). double the height of his peers AT LEAST...

I wonder how big a clone of it would grow in the ground?!

I want another Herm Hemp, speaking of sexuality.

NOW about a foot taller than me.


I met a guy in 19777, 1976 was a record hot summer in Europe. He told me he got caught by the police because he went away for 2 weeks. when he was back, the top of the pl
Must keep mine no more than one metre (3 feet tall) because of the neighbours : it's illegal here. But fudge it : I have arthitis and glaucauma - though my liver is as strong as the Northe Sea !
NOW about a foot taller than me.


I met a guy in 1977, 1976 was a record hot summer in Europe. He told me he got caught by the police because he went away for 2 weeks. when he was back, the top of the plants were above the garden wall which was 2 metres high.
"They gave him a doughnut and told him to stick closer to church-oriented activities...", or something like that, he was very lucky. Or the seeds were bad quality : maybe he was given Cannabis sativa seeds, the hemp which is cultivated here (in very hidden places) for the seeds (for fishing) or the fibers. I saw fileds here, and acres of these when I went to Poland in '85.

My great-aunt also had a field of poppies, but at that time, it had been limited. The seeds are traditionally used for pastries, on bread too, but local drug addicts would buy the straw for cheap to make a kind of drug they called "kompot", a sort of very poor opium-based stuff. And...

Anyway. Must keep mine no more than one metre (3 feet tall) because of the neighbours. I don't want the smell which is beginning to spread around to bother them.

Hehe!! I grow Hemp ALSO. ;) It always smells like that. It's illegal
HERE, too.

I used to process poppies, as well... but now I just enjoy them.. the ones I have ARE breadseed poppie.. but derived from a Tasmanian Commercial blend.... high in Thebane... but little of anything else. "Junkie-non-Friendly Papaver" I sometimes call them.


I love the turtles.. apparently, they played a couple shows in my town in the early-mid 70's...

Eleanor was on the radio on the way back from my tree-scouting trek, this afternoon.

Yeah "Kompot"(I believe) is raw morphine/codeine in calcium forms and still lingering plant colors.

Looks like tar opium, but more crystalline and golden brown.

"kompot", If it's what I'm thinking (I forget the CHINESE name for the gold paste) is realistically as far as that process should EVER go.

Or the seeds were bad quality : maybe he was given Cannabis sativa seeds, the hemp which is cultivated here (in very hidden places) for the seeds (for fishing) or the fibers. I saw fileds here, and acres of these when I went to Poland in '85.
Cannabis sativa in the wild form (from inland Africa), is hardcore cannabis. I stay away from that stuff because it messes up my brains for a few days. There are some old myths/stories of war-cannabis, some african tribes used to burn a certain strain that made them crazy strong fighters. Not sure if that's true, since nobody has ever found that variety anywhere in the world. But I like to believe it.

The hemp we see in the fields is a hybrid with lots of Ruderalis in it. The ruderalis type is early flowering and low in THC. A friend of mine has an acre full of it for his cows, it's good for their stomach. It grows fast and skinny, and can be planted like corn: close together.
My friend hasn't had his herd of cows go crazy, so I guess the THC levels are pretty low.

Cool fact: the neural and cell connections where cannabinoids 'fit' into, on an evolutionary scale, go back to animals like sea cucumbers. So if you're ever wondering if sea cucumbers could get high on cannabis, the answer is Yes.
I remember my French teacher telling me about Hasj cafe's on Ile de Paris; old cafe's where people came to philosophize and do art and stuff. Do you know anything about those @AlainK ? I've been trying to find some historic information but my French vocabulary is a bit rusty so I don't know how to search for information online. I can probably read it just fine though.
my French teacher telling me about Hasj cafe's on Ile de Paris; old cafe's where people came to philosophize and do art and stuff. Do you know anything about those @AlainK ?

No, never.

I don't know Paris so well, but maybe that was "Hash café" - but only for those who were admitted to the backroom....

There was an excellent Morocan restaurant in a treet where I lived for a short time, "Le Soleil Levant", "The Rising Sun". It didn't refer (reefer) to the American folk song, but to the Eastern, arabic world.

When the waiter came with our "couscous" or "tajine", though the smell of the spices was very appetizing, we couls also smell whet they smoked in the kitchen...
I have read that it is a false assumption endorphins create the runners high. They did a test on mice, that cannot be morally preformed on humans, blocking their endorphin receptors and separately in another test, their endocannabinoid receptors, while giving the mice exercise. The mice that had endorphins blocked still had the runners high, would not hide in corners when lights on. When they had their endocannabinoid, blocked, they did not have runners high after exercise. If you look at maps of schizophrenia epidemiology map of world, comparing it with weed usage by country. Countries with the most and best weed have the least amount of schizophrenia. This also applies to a Polynesian island, Polynesians with more schiz due to high percent of Denisovan interbreeding, their is one island cut in half by 2 countries, the side that smokes more has less schiz. Suicide rates drop 10 percent in states with medical, driving fatalities reduce, over doses reduce. I get caught every time I'm not smoking, by my mother, who always later confirms something isn't right, me always confirming I sense she noticed I wasn't smoking that day.
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