'Sem' False Spirea Suggestions


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Spokane, Washington
Hey gang,

I was at Walmart yesterday and found myself in the garden center (as one does) and came across a few 'Sem' False Spirea shrubs and fell in love with their color and leaf shape. I did a quick google search online/checked here but didn't really see any used as bonsa. That doesn't bode well but hey, it'll be an experiment. Worst case scenario I have a fun shrub in a pot.

I found one post that was attempting this though they haven't been active on this site for a year so I don't know how it turned out and chance's of his response is low: https://www.bonsainut.com/threads/ash-leaf-spirea-sorbaria-sorbifolia-sem.46838/

Photo taken from @Graft's post

The ones I found are a lot of smaller trunks in one pot (I haven't purchased yet so I didn't get a photo of the trunks etc). When I buy one I'll post.


I was looking up some basic pointers on taking care of them. Most articles refer to having them in the ground so basically organic soil. They state: "It requires a well-drained, medium-moisture, organically rich soil, but can grow well in any type of soil. It can grow well in a clay based soil which tends to slightly hinder the plant’s affinity to sucker root."

In your opinions, would you recommend still using the normal substrate- lava/pumice/Calcined clay/pine bark mixes or would you do half inorganic and half organic potting soil? I wouldn't think our mix would be considered "medium-moisture" (but what do I know). I figure if it can survive in clay it can survive just fine in the normal bonsai mix.

I really liked the crown of trunks to be develop into a united canopy.
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