Selling various bonsai, from cuttings to specimens.

I'm now looking into sending trees to Norway for a buyer.
Norway is now OFF the list of possible countries since they are outside the EU and require phytosanitary certificates (which private individuals can't issue).
I'm not even going to look since I can't have any but I'm sure they're great.
I've added some some things you COULD buy and COULD import - Jita display boards. I also have (apparently, who knew?) 200 bonsai pots I'm not some of those need to go on the list still.

Probably going to buy another 20 on Saturday at the Belgian Trophy.
QR code and link address changed.

Scan the image with camera or just click it to go to the latest pricelist uploaded a few minutes ago.

Here's a link if neither of the above work for you.

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