Selling a few


Queen of the Nuts
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South East of Cols. OH
I have some trees to offer. I will be travelling to the show in Kanappolis on the 6th, and will be there for a short time early on the 7th for delivery. Please PM me for details. These are high quality trees and priced accordingly. This first tree is a very rare well developed Korean Hornbeam and should go to someone who will be interested in showing it as it deserves to be seen by the bonsai public. I would keep it, but I feel like I won't show it so therefore I'm willing to sell it to someone of that desire, as it will make a terrific show display tree.

Holy cow. Those are gorgeous. Does the JM come with the ability to continuously ask you questions over years on further development?
I remember when you first posted that big KH after it landed on your bench. If I recall, it's got some special provenance, too. I've always loved this one.

PS- all great trees, fwiw, but hat big KH is special.
Yeah, I do love it, but it's time to let it get to someone who will show it. It came to me from Ryan and was an east coast tree before that. Here it is from when it was east coast and then on Ryan's bench when I bought it.

Phenomenal trees.
I'm in transition so getting trees like these could potentially be harmful to them. Some day when I am settled into a new place I would love to have similar trees.
These are all quite remarkable Queen Nut Judy. And deservedly, these are all going to be beyond my budget. Please stop by the vendor rooms ans say a quick hello to your subjects.
Hornbeams have long been my favorite flavor of deciduous tree and the JWP is complete royalty.
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