Say hello to my little (JBP) friends

JC : the rest of the tree is awfull. It was just an experiment planted at the end of a row of J. maple in my in ground nursery. The maple partially outgrew it and there is no low branches at the bottom of the tree. I will probably have to graft it (I tried the "hairpin shaped" graft technique on another tree and it worked well, it is nice for dummies like me).

pwk5017 : it is exactly what you wrote. But I think that if you work for seedlings, it is better to use the method described by JC even if you didn't cut the roots the first year. I have posted the pic already elsewhere in the forum but on the following red pine, while the nebari is far from perfect, all the roots comes from the same level though they were not cut the first year. Maybe it could be nice to try both methods at the same time, that is engaging 3/4 of the seedling roots under the tile and letting them grow undisturbed and working the upper fourth part in the habitual way. Gonna try ;)

Man, you have high standards for nebari then, because that nebari looks pretty good to me for a JBP. If you didnt use a seedling, what did you do?
Hold on Alain,

I'm still confused on the "tourniquet method through a tile", what did you do?


Thanks for that link - very informative.

And thanks to everybody who's been sharing info, I can say that this has been one of the best threads I've participated in and the learning has been great!

I'm going to post more photos of pines and I encourage everybody else to do the same.


All my stuff is 4 years old and under, so Im afraid I dont have anything of interest to post. A sampling of my pines is under a pretty recent thread here.

Ok, I know I am getting crazy, but have you tried fusing the pines like maples etc.?
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