Sawara Cypress HELP


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Columbus, OH
Hey all -- first post here to the forum; I could use some help with this Cypress (unknown cultivar, but I believe it to be a Sawara Cypress).

I had it outside over the winter, but this winter has been pretty harsh for southwestern OH (low's hitting around -30 on occasion). It seemed to be struggling, so I placed it in an unheated basement under a grow light sometime in February. Lots of dieback ensued, and now there is only one viable branch left, which I would love to save and help the tree to eventually recover.

I repotted into a much larger container just yesterday hoping to give the roots a little more room, wondering if that might be able to help at all.

Any thoughts on how I might be able to save/salvage this Cypress? Thanks all!


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I wanted to welcome you to the forum, although I cannot tell you much to help you with your tree. I fear that by bringing it inside may have doomed it. All you can do that I know is to not overwater, but keep a bit moist since it's a cypress, keep it in humid conditions, and hope for the best.
Thanks JudyB. I was not sure what the 'lesser of two evils' might have been -- giving it a respite from the bitter cold and searing winds or bringing it inside for a time, before returning it outside after things have warmed back up a bit.
Any other thoughts?

Would it be advised to begin moving the tree back outside now (Highs ~50, Lows ~35)?

I am not sure this tree is going to make it. Even if it does, it won't back bud on old wood. It will take many years, if ever, before it can be worked to become a bonsai. Cypress, do not like cold winter winds. They should be protected from winds in the Winter.

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