Sapling division: Dragonmaster's Japanese Okame Cherry forest


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Jacksonville, Florida
From these Okame cherry trees/cuttings I will put together a small forest. The pot in the middle has very recent cuttings which will hopefully take root. On the left is an appr. 3 year old tree. On the right is a rooted sapling from a cutting - about 10 months old.


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I kept the pot of cuttings covered with my 'milk jug greenhouse' for the first five weeks. I uncovered them in July which was very wet and humid. All 9 of them seem to have rooted as they don't want to move when I tug on them. One is even going crazy with new leaves. The sapling in it's own pot has grown a second trunk which took me by surprise. I currently have a thicker, larger cherry cutting in the 'greenhouse'. If it survives it'll be nice.


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The cutting in the 'greenhouse' turned out nice. Originally I tried to airlayer the top of one of my cherry trees but that failed. So I cut it off and planted it with root hormone and it grew roots and more leaves.


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I have three established cherry trees ranging about 3 to 4.5 years old. One tree leafed out and the others should soon since some buds are starting. Thought I would have more by now but past cuttings failed. I've got 9 more fresh cuttings planted.DSCN0109 (2).JPG Maybe at this time of year they will live!
I tried cuttings throughout the year with zero living. So I am still at 3 trees. But they have been growing so now I'm back to trying air layering on 2 of them. So maybe by the middle of January I'll finally have 2 more trees! If I can have 5 trees for my forest I'll be happy.


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While I'm waiting on my cuttings (air layerings were not IMG_20240106_153855521~2.jpgaccomplishing anything) I put my three trees into a pot. I will eventually add 2 more. In early spring I'll prune some of these branches.
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