Root Talk

Waning moon again.

It becomes less and less coincidental.


Another waning moon....

I kept the dish bone dry this time....just In case.

So for the next seven days...20151231_082745.jpg

So for the next seven days...

Unless the roots are completely frozen they will grow. It is interesting and continues even though the plant appears dormant. Just the way it works honest ;)

Unless the roots are completely frozen they will grow. It is interesting and continues even though the plant appears dormant. Just the way it works honest ;)


This is indoors, a tropical......
I am keeping track of when they grow out....and so far....every....and only....on the waning moon!

I posted some of these root pics today, of Ulmus, growing mad roots in freezing overnight temps, and day time sweater weather....

A Tropical Elm :confused: ...

A Tropical Elm :confused: ...


No....sorry....that's my Ficus Ben over rockish type material.

There was one period I had water resting in the I had to x that out cuz it may have been the water.

But every other time I check it....I've been looking....and the moon is always waning.

I can't help but believe there is dead facts in the "repotting during a waning moon" theory.....

I popped 3 ficus cuttings in my catchall a few days(i think) before the waning moon...and they are all pushing up top....
I just pulled roots yet.

But here's one from a few weeks prior.
Couple roots left....but I felt it tear a lot.

Here's my catchall....mostly soil...definitely worms....and I just threw some pine fines in from something else.
I used to have a bulb on this....but even now...
It seems to root got some Hawain tea tree root cutting sprouted in weeks....threw a boxwood cutting in there recently.... to go to the Vet....

Not many more from the last time....

But I peeked this poker the other day....
And of course.....we are in the last of yet another waning phase.

So I can add, or begin adding, truths of, the amount of roots, with the amount of top.
I recently cut this thing back, and the waning pokers are proportional.

I love Colanders.

I love roots!

Eventually, it will become more clear....
Please note....
It is ALWAYS a waning moon when I see roots....
I check everyday without fail.
These have been out for about 5 days now.20160206_114413.jpg

My kids planted some apple seeds that sprouted this Waner too.

Reckon Bonsai Nuts seeds sprouting this Waner as well.

Anyone else got seeds sprouting?

My kids planted some apple seeds that sprouted this Waner too.

Reckon Bonsai Nuts seeds sprouting this Waner as well.

Anyone else got seeds sprouting?

Yeah, almost 200 mimosas lol and they are taking off as of maybe 3 days ago.

There is a whole lot more factors then just a moon phases like whole constellations of stars toward a moon.
Not kidding, lot of farmers here are following bio-dynamic calendar by Marie Thun.
This months edition said roots and transplanting from 1st to 5th till 17pm and again from 18th-28th.
Check your roots then.

That is exactly the ten days before a 21 day old moon....
Which is usually when I get roots.
Perfect repot time!
I got notes here on a 16 day old. About 3 on a 21 day old, and one on 26. Roughly.

This last one is 26 day old.


Seems the top growth really does come after this root growth too....
Very interesting to follow.

Love it!

Probly the second time I got roots outside of the waning phase.

Lil feller rooted too.20160410_072717.jpg

For something as important as roots.....
I figured we would have a bit more notes to share.

sorce what is that containers you are using?
If you want a better 'lazier' DE get this:
It's a lot less waste, bigger particles. Seem lighter too...maybe just because it has less dust particles. The downside is it's about double the cost of Napa #8822 :eek: Of course online and in pallets you can get a better deal.
I buy a little bit and put it in my better smaller stuff.
Pretty much all the oil dry, clay stuff is made by E.P minerals.
I've heard people say they won't try oil dry but that Turface/Playball is better....same company that makes a lot of that stuff.
sorce what is that containers you are using?
If you want a better 'lazier' DE get this:
View attachment 110693
It's a lot less waste, bigger particles. Seem lighter too...maybe just because it has less dust particles. The downside is it's about double the cost of Napa #8822 :eek: Of course online and in pallets you can get a better deal.
I buy a little bit and put it in my better smaller stuff.
Pretty much all the oil dry, clay stuff is made by E.P minerals.
I've heard people say they won't try oil dry but that Turface/Playball is better....same company that makes a lot of that stuff.

I looked into EPminerals a while back...

There are other ones I wanted to try.

This size is what is likely good for cleaning up spills..

I suspect it has to come bigger somehow.

How much is that stuff? Where?

Up here i get it at O'really's auto parts for $15.99 a bag. I've see it online 8.99-13.99....not sure if they are reliable online or what the shipping cost is though. I'm guessing if you emailed EP they could tell you if anyone carries it there. It is for sure better quality than Napa #8822 also made by EP minerals. One of the biggest attractions about DE to me it how light it big boxes with granite grit are SOOoo heavy i can't lift then by myself. Granted they are trees that have soil in them still but it gets heavy, That's why i'm leaning towards a more heavy DE mix. I'm having to water too much also in colanders with too much grit. I can't get pumice anywhere up here, couldn't afford it anyways. I'm finding the DE to work better than clay products and it's lighter....we will see after this winter how it hold up.

Anyways just my Opin.

That reminds me, does anyone know how to get a hold of some 1/8 inch metal mesh? I can use window screen mesh but it breaks too easy while sifting. I dunno if you guys use this 'trick' but i take the granite and DE and wash it in a black concrete black tub using a square box i made with mesh on it, and just sift it like you are looking for gold. I can clean a bag pretty fast, it's cleaners and less dusty.
I found a place that has cases only with no price....

I got a orielly by me but it was 27.99 online.

ouch! for a 25lb bag? must be some different taxes in IL.
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