Root over Rock Trident-Im stuck for what to do...thoughts

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Wodonga Victoria Australia
Went out to Shibui's nursery yesterday (genuinely nice bloke and very informative) and picked up a root over rock trident.
Trident R over R 1.JPG
Ive started to clean it up a little while contemplating its future design and have come across a couple of things that have me stumped in regards to whats the best way to approach this.
Initially, there was a fairly large, upright branch stump growing at, what i want to turn into, the first left hand branch position (I forgot to photograph this before i removed it).
As above, here's after its removal.
Trident R over R 2.JPG Trident R over R 3.JPG
2nd pic shows the scar and you can see there is a definate back branch which id like to keep and let grow out (pointing left in photo) and two choices on the right for the development of the first,left hand branch (trying to establish left, back, right to some degree).
If i use the lowest of the two right hand branches,its going to be growing from basically the same area of the trunk as the back branch...which i understand isnt very desirable.
If i use the higher of the two right hand branches, the back branch is going to be the lowest branch on the trunk...again,not really desirable BUT rules were meant to be broken : )

What would you do in this situation?...i have my thoughts but it would be nice to get other people's opinions before i commit.

The second thing im stuck with is i have an area at the upper, right branch position that is swelling due to multiple branches extending from the same spot.
front view.JPG looking down on subject.JPG looking down R hand side.JPG
Removal is going to leave a nasty scar on the front of the tree and its also bordering on the scar that is already would be very unsightly and something i would prefer not to do.
Theres a branch sitting behind this area (see photo) that would have made a great right hand branch but this swollen area is sitting in front of it.
I'll be honest, this one has me stumped.

How would you approach this?

All input is very much appreciated...thank you nutters.
I forgot to mention, im obviously trying to avoid bar branching with the upper left and right branches.
There are some tiny shoots extending from underneath this swollen area on the right hand side which may be of use and may off-set creating a bar branch.
Lower left branch will be on an inside curve but i dont think it will look too bad.
Im going to play with the way the branch is shaped and sits over the top of the rock...hopefully, it will pull the eye to the left and detract somewhat from the whole branch being positioned on the inside of the should work if done correctly.
Bit of a progress report on the trident...
Here's a photo of her after a bit of work and a grow out.
The tree is far more compact and the shape is begining to become obvious although ive definately got a fair way to go yet.
That huge wound in front of the upper right branch is starting to heal nicely...and if im lucky, making the cut a little more concave, as i did, will allow the wood to roll into the wound instead of swelling seems to be good so far.
IMG_5889.JPGIm letting a back branch develop (growing out,unhindered) which will give the design more depth but again, its going to take a while ("All good things come to those who wait" : )
And a photo of the developing lower left branch and roots.
I did repot the tree into a larger container prior to any work, to allow for better development and also so the 2 large scars are able to heal and roll over better which seems to be happening so overall, im quite happy with how the tree is developing so far.
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