Remember my old mentality one species per bench... my elm collection


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
For years... I was adamant on one species on my bench. Because I needed them to stand out. Brought my elm collection in for my Instagram post tomorrow. (cadillactaste) So a proper video will be shared of them.

But for kicks...let's see my elm collection. Which shows my mindset was so misconstrued back then.They all stand out next to the other as uniquely their own merit.
Fabulous collection of Elms….and equally outstanding work from you. What I like in particular is the natural imperfections of the trees. The trees reflect what real life is out in the world of unpredictable climate conditions.

I think that the snake or dragon (I’m not sure), on the upper right side, is incredibly unique and attractive.

Seriously….Mighty fine!
Thanks for posting.
Fabulous collection of Elms….and equally outstanding work from you. What I like in particular is the natural imperfections of the trees. The trees reflect what real life is out in the world of unpredictable climate conditions.

I think that the snake or dragon (I’m not sure), on the upper right side, is incredibly unique and attractive.

Seriously….Mighty fine!
Thanks for posting.
Thanks, that's my nod to Nick Lenz, root over leg... but there's neagari, ROR a mini forest...a cosmic design early beginning. All stand well on their own merit. Love that about them.

I think that one is amazing 😃 Like the setup
Thank ya kindly...that's a Luboš Škoda that I got off of Jennifer Price. It once was in Walter Pall 's collection. I think the pot's texture is a wicked match for dragon scales/hide.

Definitely not for everyone. That said...I've had ones surprised they like it. It's not traditionally something they would like. So that always puts a smile on my face when my material surprises someone. 🙂
... did I word that right? One.. of each species. 🙃 Definitely worded it wrong.
I definitely had the idea different in my head. I can see the line of thinking of both, but personally, I would lean more towards the "bench of only one species" approach, as it lets you really figure out specifics.

You mention your mentality has changed--could you elaborate on that?
I definitely had the idea different in my head. I can see the line of thinking of both, but personally, I would lean more towards the "bench of only one species" approach, as it lets you really figure out specifics.

You mention your mentality has changed--could you elaborate on that?
There was a time. My skin would crawl to have two of the same species on my bench. I just absolutely refused to open my thinking to permit it. One would be mediocre. That's how I seen it. I've several elm now, as well as Asian jasmine, Olive, Japanese maple...Flowering quince and Chinese quince. More than one of those species. Oh and crepe myrtle too. I've grown. 😉as well as my collection.

Yes... I was flustered...which was why I drug in all my elm for a distraction. My gerbil definitely spun wrong on what I meant and how it was worded. My Irish is up...and I refuse to allow it the best of me and go into battle of words that could reflect my character. The one isn't worth it. The repercussions would be worse than the confrontation... over how I handled of all things... the death of my Australian Shepherd in JANUARY. I'll say this... you get out of life what you put into it. You treat one poorly. They won't reach out to you later. End of story.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your pup, these things always take time.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your pup, these things always take time.
Thank ya kindly...this is true. I went months unable to even mention it...thing is I just lost one 3 weeks ago. Came through emergency surgery to take a turn 3 days later. I don't need someone coming at me for my dog I lost in January. When I'm struggling right now. I don't care who they are. I seen red...and stepped away and got my trees out. They lost their rights to my goings on by their behavior years go. My telling them 2 1/2 weeks after I put Ahsoka cousin committed suicide. Notifying them wasn't on my radar... Didn't stop the attack on my character. I'm done...I owe one who treated me bad in the past...absolutely nothing.

But thanks for your kind words. My Irish is so up...I'm so blasted frustrated. I wish I could just let it all out. But she would be getting angry grief on top of her poor behavior. So I just won't. I can allow repercussions soil my character. I'm so mad I could bite nails in I drag in trees to calm me. Gotta love our bonsai. They are a good distraction.
Very cool display!

And I'm sorry for the losses in your life.
I've always said that I'm a better human being when I have a dog in my life, but with the passing of each of the 5 during my adulthood I have been absolutely gutted for weeks if not months.
Very cool display!

And I'm sorry for the losses in your life.
I've always said that I'm a better human being when I have a dog in my life, but with the passing of each of the 5 during my adulthood I have been absolutely gutted for weeks if not months.
Thank ya kindly...

Trying to grasp their time on earth was more than the last chapter. Refocus on good memories. But this last dog. He was the youngest we lost. He had 30 percent chance to have his spleen removed... he came through...came home so dang happy. To...have lost him. Is the hardest thing I've had to cope with...with a loss of a dog. I just...don't understand it. Very much angry over something I can't control. He wasn't fixable. There was no reason he declined... to fix. He was behind the 8 ball. That's how my vet put it...his body couldn't reset.

Better human with a dog ... agreed, I like that. 🙂 Shoot I'll go further. I like dogs over humans. 🙃😉

Also sorry for your own losses. They take a piece of us with them. So when they get there...they feel us...and aren't lonely. That's how I like to see it.

(((Hugs))) 3 Mississippis long.
I feel your pain.
I am on dog 7 and 8 right now.
Dog number 1 we adopted in 1993 and he lasted 14 years. Dog number 6 we put down back in March. They don't live long enough.

I still miss each and every one of them and I dread the day I'll have to say good bye to the current ones. They are each individuals and there will never be another like them. They are all different and special and I love them all.

This might not come out right but the passing of every one gave me the opportunity to save and know another one.
Each has added something to my life and given me something special that I am grateful to each one of them for.
I feel your pain.
I am on dog 7 and 8 right now.
Dog number 1 we adopted in 1993 and he lasted 14 years. Dog number 6 we put down back in March. They don't live long enough.

I still miss each and every one of them and I dread the day I'll have to say good bye to the current ones. They are each individuals and there will never be another like them. They are all different and special and I love them all.

This might not come out right but the passing of every one gave me the opportunity to save and know another one.
Each has added something to my life and given me something special that I am grateful to each one of them for.
Always hard saying goodbye. March...ouch! I felt that... it's so dang hard. Hate that for you. (((Hugs))) 3 Mississippis long.

You've a good outlook on it.
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