Neagari Gal
His show...his take on what he thought would give it a different feel...though the entire "American Bonsai" term I think is being over chewed...because isn't the next Artisan Cup in another, are we really trying to focus on American bonsai? Or will that location focus on their nationality and find another twist?
Each ones take can be a bit different when it comes to ones term "American Bonsai". Sure I think Asian feel when I think of scrolls. But then as do I to a degree with bonsai. So we use native could venture the aspect of an American feel art on a scroll. Which also has been discussed to some degree in the past.
In all honesty, one could take many aspects to such a title as American Bonsai. I'm not sure at this point if there is a right or wrong in ones perceptive of how they see it. I am not saying it's wrong to wish to find this "American Bonsai"...but, if we are embracing bonsai to me...I think we are to a degree embracing the entire whole. To say otherwise is only fooling ourselves. For...bonsai is a tree in a pot the rest that go with it are just icing on the cake. But, to me...I like the time old tradition of the scrolls and accent plantings. Because it represents a history that continues to tell a story.
Each ones take can be a bit different when it comes to ones term "American Bonsai". Sure I think Asian feel when I think of scrolls. But then as do I to a degree with bonsai. So we use native could venture the aspect of an American feel art on a scroll. Which also has been discussed to some degree in the past.
In all honesty, one could take many aspects to such a title as American Bonsai. I'm not sure at this point if there is a right or wrong in ones perceptive of how they see it. I am not saying it's wrong to wish to find this "American Bonsai"...but, if we are embracing bonsai to me...I think we are to a degree embracing the entire whole. To say otherwise is only fooling ourselves. For...bonsai is a tree in a pot the rest that go with it are just icing on the cake. But, to me...I like the time old tradition of the scrolls and accent plantings. Because it represents a history that continues to tell a story.