Radiant malus crabapple (pre-bonsai) offering up a lovely show

Very pretty blooms, and I do like the pot. Not sure if they fit together, but it does give it some pop. Maybe after you develop it more. Almost looks like it'd make a good shohin, but crabapple are difficult I have found. I had one like yours that I kept changing and chopping and finally.... selling. Yours shows more promise than mine did though.
It's actually...15 inches tall. I put this tree into a shallow water tray during summer or it sulks poorly. Bill Valavanis told me some need water under them.

As for the pot...it to me looks like the roots are pushing through that side of the pot. As they are exposed on that side of the tree. But as you say...it could be changed out at another time.

But at least it is less boring...I was considering giving it away this year. As I was just finding it took my time and shuffling...and I didn't love it. So now...we'll see. It was just...so boring.
A better image showing the trunkline. I thought I had deleted the other one.

And close up video of Brian's delicious pot found here.

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