Rabbit control?

Have you tried chemical repellents?
I have one but I actually don't know if it works...
I barricaded the spots where he could get under my shed and last time I saw him I chased him off I think out of my front gate... So, with no place to live now, a patched up fence and a good scare hopefully he is gone for good! That, or he had just sneaked back under the shed platform and my barricade meant to keep him out has trapped him under there? Hmm.. Not the intent, but he would pretty much be getting what he deserves IMO. Either way- I haven't seen the rabbit or any rabbit damage in a couple days so I may have fixed my problem! Guess I will know if he was trapped under there in a week or two.. The smell of rotting rabbit oughta be pretty obvious by then.

As for chemical repellant- no, not unless the gallons of dog piss being spread around my yard since the addition of a new puppy a few weeks ago counts? I know they sell fox urine to repel rabbits and squirrels and stuff, so I don't see why dog urine wouldn't serve the same purpose...? But that rabbit never seemed the least bit concerned about me or the dog!
Have you considered just getting some fox urine like hunters/trappers use to mask their odor?
Quick, cheap, and poof-gone. Spray it around on some things about the garden/area and the
fear of being lunch should make them dine elsewhere.
Have you considered just getting some fox urine like hunters/trappers use to mask their odor?
Quick, cheap, and poof-gone. Spray it around on some things about the garden/area and the
fear of being lunch should make them dine elsewhere.
I actually talked about that in the post right above yours... :)
I barricaded the spots where he could get under my shed and last time I saw him I chased him off I think out of my front gate... So, with no place to live now, a patched up fence and a good scare hopefully he is gone for good! That, or he had just sneaked back under the shed platform and my barricade meant to keep him out has trapped him under there? Hmm.. Not the intent, but he would pretty much be getting what he deserves IMO. Either way- I haven't seen the rabbit or any rabbit damage in a couple days so I may have fixed my problem! Guess I will know if he was trapped under there in a week or two.. The smell of rotting rabbit oughta be pretty obvious by then.

As for chemical repellant- no, not unless the gallons of dog piss being spread around my yard since the addition of a new puppy a few weeks ago counts? I know they sell fox urine to repel rabbits and squirrels and stuff, so I don't see why dog urine wouldn't serve the same purpose...? But that rabbit never seemed the least bit concerned about me or the dog!

I didn't know for fox urine. I saw a movie where the main protagonist spreads coyote urine in his yard to get rid of the raccoons and ends-up cover by it when the spraying bag explode though...

No, more seriously the rabbit repellent I've got is a spray bottle. I bought at Home depot, it's supposed to get rid of rabbits and a couple of significant others, it's also supposed to stay on even when it rains after a couple of pulverization and it actually smells pretty nice (for us humans at least).
But as I said I don't really know if it works. I had a rabbit last year in the yard, I pulverized and never saw it again but I can't be sure whether the repellent did the job or the rabbit just stop being an ass...
Rabbit fencing and shooting the little bastards are probably the best solutions. The dog/coyote/fox urine thing doesn't work for long, Rabbits will get used to it once they learn there is no actual predator around.

Trapping the things in live traps and releasing them elsewhere doesn't do you much good, or the rabbit. People think live traps and re-release are humane, but really it's just easier on the trapper's conscience than just killing the rodent outright. Once released in a foreign area, they usually don't live very long, either because they don't know the area and fall prey to all manger of bad stuff, including competing, local rabbits.

Rabbit fencing is probably the most effective deterrent, but it has to be watched. I've heard people have had success with water sprinklers connected to motion sensors...
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