You didn't ask for wiring advice, but I'll give you some tips:
See that first big bend where the trunk changes direction from right to left? Your wire is on the INSIDE of that curve. You want it to be on the OUTSIDE of the curve. When the wire is on the outside, it helps to prevent the branch from snapping when you bend it.
You used two wires. Generally, if two wires are needed, we lay them right next to each other, running parallel and not crossing. You didn't cross, but having the wires placed as you do really makes the tree look bound up.
Now, there are times when wiring like you did is appropriate. And that's when a lot of curves are being put in. (Lots of "outside curves".).
Go ahead and trim off the extra inch of wire sticking out 3/4 the way up.
It looks like the wire in the front is second-hand wire. There's some twists in it right above the soil line. It doesn't affect the functionality, but it is unsightly. Choose a better piece of wire that's going to be right at the front, or cut off the portion that's gnarled up.
Wiring is at the heart of bonsai. Part of the art. Yes, it has a purpose, but a skillfully wired tree has beauty in the wiring, too. It takes a lot of practice.