L. Gayler
I bought 3 new juniper nanas from Walmart for $12. Not planning on doing anything except clean out dead stuff. I figured for the price that I would have something to practice on. 
I do have a question about dormancy though. I live in zone 8b. Our nights are chilly (38°-50°) so far, but our days warm up (50°-75°). My plants are living on an open deck, with little sun and shielded from the wind. Will this hurt the dormant period? If so, what should I do with them?
All advice appreciated. Thanks, Leah.

I do have a question about dormancy though. I live in zone 8b. Our nights are chilly (38°-50°) so far, but our days warm up (50°-75°). My plants are living on an open deck, with little sun and shielded from the wind. Will this hurt the dormant period? If so, what should I do with them?
All advice appreciated. Thanks, Leah.