Projects in BNut's Backyard

Oooh, I remember you posting about those "frosty"? elms. Add me to the list if you've got extras, I'll send you some azalea!

I have to take care of prior commitments first. I promised some and have yet to deliver them. I don't doubt people are wondering if they will ever receive one :)
The eleagnus that I defoliated and wired earlier this year. If I were still in SoCal I would have defoliated it a second time.

A small ficus cascade I am working on. Happy that the descending branch is staying strong. I defoliated the top of the tree earlier this year and let the branch run. Each time I work on my pad structure.
Awesome @Bonsai Nut!

Yet it looks like there’s room for one more tree….. a shohin on the stone border wall above the stairs! 😉

DSD sends
LOL the only reason there's a gap there is that I had some princess persimmon seedlings in a pond container that I moved elsewhere :)

It is pretty ghetto, to be honest. The white pine cultivars to the left in that photo are all "testers". I wanted to make sure that I could care for a lot of different JWP before I started to buy better stock. I owned some in Chicago, but you can't keep them alive on their own roots in SoCal, so I'm a little rusty.
Holy shit Greg. I had to show this to my wife and tell her “see, I’m not that bad!” Seriously though, that row of junipers in Anderson flats, first pic of post 25 look ultra healthy and primed for some special stylings.
Holy shit Greg. I had to show this to my wife and tell her “see, I’m not that bad!” Seriously though, that row of junipers in Anderson flats, first pic of post 25 look ultra healthy and primed for some special stylings.
Good idea, I'm calling him in here right now to see I'm not that bad either.

I am already too far gone in my wife’s eyes 😂 She is very supportive though, bless her heart.

Great collection, Greg! Looking forward to seeing those white pines progress!

I use a similar bench system. Lumber and concrete blocks. Simple and sturdy. Love it!
Couple shelves of mudmen and a few coils of aluminum and you got yourself a bonsai nursery!!!

Ghetto? Maybe I spend a weekend? ;) 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

black jesus 3.gif

I have a weird pre-potting's harmless.... 😳
Holy shit Greg. I had to show this to my wife and tell her “see, I’m not that bad!” Seriously though, that row of junipers in Anderson flats, first pic of post 25 look ultra healthy and primed for some special stylings.
... he has to moved most of that 2000 miles across the country too. Dedication!
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