Pots made/making

That’s it, that’s the update. This follows a lot of pots I’ve made over the last couple years up to this point. I’ve had a lot happening in my life recently and I’m hoping a change comes where I can start focusing on making pots to be reduction fired with my own glazes, as opposed to working in oxidation with other folks’ glaze but as with all things it’s going to take some time for me to get comfortable with the change. Thanks everyone for bearing with me as I updated this
Please y’all feel free to comment on what you like and dislike about these. A good potter is always looking for feedback!
Love the one incorporating the vc matte recipe. I use it a lot and alter it or layer with it. That one you did is definitely a beautiful glaze!
Oh WOW, @zero !! These are amazing! Every one is beautiful and so well made.

I took a 3 month beginning ceramics class this past January - April. I had never handled clay before and the learning curve was steep for me. My pots are, shall we say, 'rustic' LOL. Nevertheless I love most of them. I had to stick to hand building because I have advanced Meniere's Disease (sudden attacks of vertigo and strong nausea). Trying the wheel and watching my clay spin around put me in bed for the whole day. I'm going to take the class again next January if all goes well, and I will try to channel your talent.

Please continue to post when you can. Nearly all BNuts are PotteryNuts too!
Nice work! this is my favorite-- I like the dark clay coming thought the satin white. Nice variety of angles as well. I like the sagar fired pot, and I have over the years used them for planters and pots. They do not last forever but can be fun for a while. I often seal them with a poly-acrylic on the inside and out to give it a little water proofing, and bring out some of the subtle variation in the sagar fire.
Nice work! this is my favorite-- I like the dark clay coming thought the satin white. Nice variety of angles as well. I like the sagar fired pot, and I have over the years used them for planters and pots. They do not last forever but can be fun for a while. I often seal them with a poly-acrylic on the inside and out to give it a little water proofing, and bring out some of the subtle variation in the sagar fire.
Thanks! Yeah I use poly acrylic on these as well
Great work Zero! I love the form and proportions of your round pots especially. And great glazes. Very nice!!!
Me too-- But darn that price of lithium :( :( :(

It should (🤞) be replaceable with a little bit of glaze chemistry. The lithium shouldn't really be functionally different than another alkali metal flux, so it could be swapped for sodium or potassium. Joe Thompson wrote a blog post about doing that for the classic Tenmoku Gold recipe here: https://www.oldforgecreations.co.uk/blog/campfire-glaze

I've been trying to tweak Joe's Campfire recipe to make it usable for my c6 community studio, but it's been reaaaaaaally finnicky (I'm attributing that to the crystallization behavior instead of the lithium substitution). Anything that has adequate and consistent crystallization is very sensitive to application thickness and gets really runny when it's slightly too thick
Really beautiful ceramics! Hope to see more trees filling these pots. I have done a little bit of hand pinch pottery but this is very inspiring!
I love this namako-like glaze. Any chance you can share the clay and glaze name/recipe combo?
Thanks! I actually use 3 glazes to make this combo, but unfortunately I can’t share. It’s my teachers glazes I’ve been using for the past few years on this one. One of my very favorite combos. I can say it’s a standard 710 clay with satin white, then a sort of moss green glaze, then satin black sprayed over.
my only critique of some of the later blue/green glazes you posted is that they are :Slightly: more gloss than id like to see. otherwise, the shapes, ratios, and colors/glaze combos are very nice!!
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