Potential pest problem or just inadequate watering


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Indiana (Zone 6a)
I don't think it's a pest thing, but maybe someone else has a suggestion. What does this look like to you?

My theory is that I left it too close to the CFL bulb and it burnt the leaf. I think I have also been letting the plant get a little too dry and maybe that contributed to this.

I'm not the best photographer, hopefully the pictures help though:



The plant is otherwise growing really well. Each branch has buds opening and extending vigorously, plus there have been roots extending out of the pot's drainage hole.
Generally, if it's black, spreading, and you can't rub it off it's a fungus. However, I'm not familiar with a fungus that will turn a whole section of a leaf black. Typically, fungus stays in dots or similar shaped colonies.

Burning on the light bulb makes the most sense.

Ficus will really wilt and be noticeably thirsty if they are too dry, yours seems to be happy aside from the burn.
Thanks, NWB. The spots weren't spreading, so I just cut off the part of the leaf with the damage. It's continued putting out new growth and seems to be really healthy. I can't wait until spring so I can finally put it outside and see it really take off. :cool:
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