Since we're on the topic of sharing portulacaria pics and advice, I think I could some advice!
I posted a picture of one of my ports that already had a pretty cool thick trunk when I got it. The problem is that the main trunk is a little on the short side and the two main branches are doing the thing where they come out at a 45 degree angle due to that nub being there so long. Here's a photo from a few weeks ago after I repotted it. In case you're wondering, the tree is now a lush green and the roots are already growing out the bottom of the pot! I've now removed the nub and the two main branches are inching toward each other as the wound heals. suggested pruning at these locations, and I think he's mostly right when I'm ready to start design pruning but right now I'm looking for growth in height and thickness.
Here's an image of the overall tree for context.
Here's my question: I'd like to extend the height of the tree to allow it to be taller and I would also like to continue developing the trunk to be thicker. It seems like there are two options.
1. Wire the long branch to the left upwards to vertical and run it as a new leader adding some height and taper. The branch on the right continues to be a side branch adding thickness until it's time to design prune.
2. Make the following cut to use the first secondary branch that this already vertical as new trunk, introducing both taper a little movement as the trunk line shifts to the left.
I'd probably also cut down the vertical branch to allow me to grow the new nodes a lot closer than they are right now. It would be pretty drastic at first until my trunk is about 2-2.5x as thick as it is currently.
Here's a rough vert showing how the new trunk would come through:
I'm definitely new when it comes to styling so I wanted to collect thoughts and ideas for the best way to approach this. I'm not sure if either of those options are possible or would work!