Hedgehogs,could be construed a kind of small bear i surpose.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the only animal that hibernates to my knowledge is a bear.
Thanks very much to everyone that chimed in.
One more question - I have a really bad problem with rabbits in my neck of the woods. They seem to indiscriminately chow down on anything that is near ground level. I was thinking of going with Rockm's suggestion of either creating a hoop house thing like in his link or just covering my benches with plastic film, but was worried that rabbits or some other critters might decide to nest inside.
By the time I set up my overwintering quarters (around Thanksgiving), are rabbits and other critters already hibernating? I wasn't sure whether they would bury down under the plastic, even if I tied down the plastic or put cinder blocks down. Unfortunately I can't really build a more permanent structure because I don't really have the space and a shade house won't really look all that good in the area I'm thinking of - won't pass the WAF test (wife acceptance factor test).
Was just wondering if people worried about these critters wreaking havoc on their trees while overwintered outside of a permanent structure.
I thought lots of mammals hibernated? Hmm...
I know others have problems with rabbits, rats, etc. Was just wondering if people worried about these critters wreaking havoc on their trees while overwintered outside of a permanent structure.
... the window a good idea, the door not so much so,and leave the garage door or window open to keep temps as low as I can for as long as I can.
... Mike my cold frame is against the house and is only 6 feet long by 3 feet wide. Do you have any room under your deck? Just a thought...Rick, I wish I had the space to build a permanent structure type of coldframe like you have - that was a really nice job you did. I unfortunately have a really small yard so can't build anything like that that would be permanent, because it would take up space I use for my benches now.
Either that, or maybe I'll have to borrow some coyotes from Harry![]()
Dave is spot on with the moth ball trick. I take soup cans and fill them about half way with moth balls and place them around the benches in my winter storage....works like a charm...though the aroma is a little noxious.
... the window a good idea, the door not so much so,
... Mike my cold frame is against the house and is only 6 feet long by 3 feet wide. Do you have any room under your deck? Just a thought...
...Tom, that really stinks about the deer - at least they go for the deciduous trees which tend to grow a bit faster than conifers. I would turn into Elmer Fudd and start hunting them if they touched my ponderosas or JBPs.
You guys should be glad that we don't have elephants around here...Just imagine a small herd "visiting" your backyard for a few hours (OOps, a baby elephant just stepped on my shohin...)
here's an bunny elimination option dreamed up by those wacky Swedes:
Now THAT'S a green energy solution...
here's an bunny elimination option dreamed up by those wacky Swedes:
Now THAT'S a green energy solution...