Pocket Knives

This guy didn't have a pocket knife.

I mean, he had knives, and sharp ones, but he's a law-abiding citizen, not a kind of weirdo thinking he's a ninja or an archangel or he's on a mission from god. And he's an immigrant, a muslim, holy sht!

Common sense, non-violence, courage, that's what shows gun-owners they're just stupid. At least in a society where gun-owners are either sick people or law-enforcement officers.


26 seconds of fame (a whole life of common sense, experience, humanity) :

Well, er... In some places, some law-enforcement officers are sick people. As long as fascists like Giuliani or Trump get a wide support from the mob, I'm afraid it won't change soon.

2'38" of shame:

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I remember a robbery that happened in Toronto many years ago. A guy walked in to a Subway restaurant and told the worker "Give me the money, I have a knife" and displayed a mid sized pocket knife. The employee held up her 12" sandwich knife and said "So do I. No." and the guy left.

My wife once witnessed a drug addict try to rob a doughnut shop with a raccoon in a bag.
I saw a very disturbing video today about a man and a knife.

And yes, some people will take anything to hurt other people when they go amok.

Here, there is a mentally disturbed man that had been surrounded by dozens of police officers for 30 minutes, it was not a surprise attack.

And I'm appalled :

- are the police force so inefficient, so badly trained, that even with the protections they were wearing weren't able to cope with a deranged citizen?
- are the members of the police force in the US so confident in their being cleared of any misconduct that they shoot first, or are they so cowardly that even when they outnumber a poor creep by the dozen they kill, kill, kill?
- I'm appalled at the man on the left, turning round with a smile on his face when the man has just been killed, as if he had watched a funny show on TV. What kind of society is that where people laugh at other people's death?
- watch the kid in her mother's arm: she's watching the scene. I can understand that watching a man being slaughtered can arouse someone's unhealthy curiousness. But what kind of future is she preparing for her child?

Oscar Wilde once said "America Is the Only Country That Went from Barbarism to Decadence Without Civilization In Between". I've always thought that he was exaggerating, but sometimes, and even more so these days when I see the kind of stupid racist crook half the population is ready to endorse, I wonder if the US of A isn't going from decadence to barbarism...
AlainK, can't get enough. There are meds for this, you know.
i think he blames the US (and gun owners specifically) for all that sand in his vagina.

dont know what he said because hes the first and only on my ignore list - all of his anti-american sentiment and hippy bs isnt worth the two seconds of my time it takes to read.
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