Plan for Laceleaf

Thanks MMB -
That gives me some ideas. I think that I need to shorten the secondaries then I can go to work on reducing the internode spacing and hopefully increase the ramification. I made that sound simple. I appreciate your help.

This tree all of sudden about three weeks ago dropped all of it's leaves. It was in full sun. It then sent out a few little sprouts and those fell off. Now the tree bare I moved it to mostly shade and am trying to resist overwatering. No sprouts for the last two weeks or so and some die back on the branches although there is green under the bark on the trunk. Anything else that I can do? Would a weak fertilizer like Quikstart help? Hate to see this as this tree was grown from seed. Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks.
Look for the smallest branch shoots with a magnifying glass and look for wrinkleing of the skin. Check weekly the small tips, about 1mm/ 1/16 inch and bend them, if they snap, bad, if they bend, OK. Watch for signs of budding with the mag. glass weekly. I lost two maples recently from the sun and I do everything to keep them alive. Mine was a pot size issue and I have moved everything in shohin pots to under my patio. Even reflected sun like we had last two weeks will take out a lacy looking maple in a day.

Water, water, water, Justin Case
I worry about overwatering. It is good and damp and in mostly shade. Move into full shade? Just keep damp or soak?
Well it has been another week now and nothing. Can't find anything green. Feel pretty bad that just a month or so I was all excited about how this tree was doing. Looking over the rest of my "stuff" it appears that this was probably in the top five of what I have. I was proud that I had grown in from seed. In an effort to get it to grow better I moved it from shade this spring to full sun. I did not even think that it would get anything more than some sunburn. Evidently as Smoke mentioned above the high temperatures must have cooked the roots. I haven't dug it up yet, but that is for the reason that I just hate to find out for sure. This is discouraging. I hope that someone learns from my screwup.

Thanks, just makes me feel bad as this was the first tree that I had grown from seed that I thought might amount to something. I was trying to figure out how old it was and I think about eight years. Guess this is just part of the game but not an very enjoyable one. If it was easy everyone would be doing it.

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