Again with the persecution fantasies..Let me get the nails for your hands...
to make you feel more comfortable up there....(and might benefit from looking up "Passive Aggressive"-- which explains a lot of your deflections about not being rude or aggressive--you stirred the pot by being that--knowing it or not--most passive aggressives aren't aware they are. Boors at parties rarely understand why no one really wants to talk with them...and tend to blame everyone else...If everyone else is the problem, maybe the problem is YOU )
Point me to the posts where you contribute something of value (or even ask) about what the topic of this entire forum...I'll wait...
Back so soon? If you're new to the hobby, post a photo of one of your trees, or of something REMOTELY about bonsai...Again I'll wait.
Newbies always have something they want to ask or talk about. You don't seem to want to talk about much except how many angels can balance on the head of a pin and other tail-chasing nonsense.
C'mon what are you scared of? Post a tree, ask a bonsai question, or are you just here to be superior sporting a weird persecution complex?