Permanent Collections

Awesome collection, especially the vids with each location. The Nat. Arb. video will have to be updated soon. The remodeled Japanese Pavilion is due to open this fall. VERY different from the current exhibit.
Very nice, thanks so much for all the hard work put into this.
The webdesign is very oldschool man, well, less is more, but this is very very basic ^^
Awesome work!

The "Musée du Bonsaï" in Biot is unfortunately about to close.

Unless these places are not sponsored, or funded locally, they can't make a living from the visists only, the people who run them must sell stuff too, but I know several bonsai nurseries that were very promissing but had to close after a couple of years of activity.

@Robert J. Baran -j-baran:

There is another place of interest in France, the "Musée du Bonsaï", some of the personal collection of a pioneer of bonsaï in France, Rémy Samson, but I've never been there. I don't even know if it's still open, but since the (crappy) websiteis still online, it might be. I'll check that and let you know.
Yes, all of my historical research on the website is legitimate and documented. (Most of it was formerly at, some since back to 1999.)
A number of enthusiasts and teachers around the world regularly refer to it. Plus it has had some mention over the years, .

I have just added Michigan State's collection -- thank-you, Slow Learner.

I will wait for further input before including the Samson trees, AlainK. And if Biot is officially closed, I will transfer reference to it to the bottom of the list where I will maintain the basics of closed/deactivated collections.

Cypress187, I will take that as a compliment. The design harkens back to the original site's design since 1999. Simple but memorable.

Dav4 and anyone else who has intimate involvement with any of these collections: I am always open to considering and including whatever unique details might be of interest.

Thank-you all.

Discussion is still open. :)
Hey anybody know of something in Salt Lake? Going to be in Park City for a few days this week...
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