Perched water tables-myth?

And the beat goes on and on and on. The facts, the supporting evidence, the science reports and we all sit and wait and wait and wait. The fact is, Mr. Heath has no snowball idea what this is all about so what do you do? How about stall for time and maybe they will go away, or team up with someone that seems like they know what they are talking about and act smart. You have plenty of time to throw mung Mr. Heath but to solve a problem.....I guess we will have to wait and wait.........

The only thing waited for is for you to catch up......I certainly hope it is soon, some of us actually have other things to do.

Fortunately, there are only two bonsai forums where your uniquely challenged offerings can be posted, it is little wonder that those are the two you are active at. :rolleyes:


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There are many who still use a drainage layer consisting of larger particles than the mix above it and advocate doing so. The perched water table comes in where the two differing particles sizes meet. Contrary to popular belief, the larger particle layer does not increase or hasten drainage, it in fact impairs it.

A perched table is formed in a vadose zone when an impermeable layer exists below the surface allowing water to 'table' above it. The only time a so-called drainage layer will create an impermeable layer is if all the air pockets between particles become clogged with smaller particles (silt or particles small enough to become compact enough) and becomes impermeable. It is not so much the differing particle sizes as it is its ability to compact sufficiently.
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